Need something to track your affiliate campaigns, that too with the help of smartlinks?

I have got something for you, AdsBridge, an affiliate tracker that uses smartlinks to give you a track of almost everything going on with your affiliate campaigns. As an affiliate marketer, keeping track of how your campaigns are performing can be helpful in many ways. Well, several tools track these affiliate networks and campaigns. Still, Adsbridge is a software/tool that helps you track these affiliate campaigns and links in a detailed manner; well, these tools are helpful in tracking, optimizing, and analyzing.

As per my personal experience, the tools and software made for affiliate marketers are limitless, thousands of tools, but after using Adsbridge, it was pretty clear that Adsbridge has kept the standards pretty high.

In this article of AdsBridge Review, I'll be coming across the tools and features offered by Adsbridge; in addition to these tools and features, I'll also be clearing how these smartlinks and detailed overview will be helping you in your affiliate marketing campaigns and operations. So, let's take a glance at what Adsbridge is and the features and tools that it offers.

AdsBridge Review

I think you might have an idea of what AdsBridge is but this part for those who are not well-versed with what Adsbridge is? Well, AdsBridge is a tracking tool for affiliate links and campaigns; an affiliate tracking software, that too with the help of smartlinks as well, Adsbridge uses several tools and features, but there are some standalone features as well, which makes AdsBridge what it is today, a popular and trusted affiliate tracking software.

In simple, Adsbridge is affiliate software that will help you track, manage, analyze, optimize, and monetize your affiliate network and campaigns.

After a quick glance at what Adsbridge is, let's understand what the features offered by it are and how these features and tools will help you grow as an affiliate marketer.

Adsbridge offers a great platform for analyzing and managing all those affiliate campaigns on a single platform; getting an overview of all your affiliate operations on a single platform is a bane for almost every affiliate marketer; where most the affiliate marketers wander around different tools and platforms to understand and analyze how their campaigns are performing, Adsbridge gives you the freedom to get almost everything on a single platform without hassling around different platforms, in return saving time and efforts for efficient and effective marketing strategies.

In addition to all the positives I have mentioned above, Adsbridge also helps create landing pages, track traffic, and split test your landing pages.

I'll give a better overview of how these tools and features can help expand your campaigns in many aspects.

Well, whatever your practices are, whether you are into affiliate marketing or a digital marketer working over affiliate campaigns, AdsBridge has a lot to offer in terms of technology and positive aspects. So, let's look at what makes Adsbridge a popular choice among affiliate marketers.

AdsBridge was founded in 2013, and its pretty clear that the platform has evolved in almost every parameter as an affiliate tracking platform.

Well, after taking a look at some of the standalone factors that make AdsBridge an excellent choice to go ahead with.

Now, after all these factors, let's take a look at the features offered by AdsBridge:

1. Multifunction Dashboard:

The dashboard, the face of the software, or whatever you want to call it, plays a vital role in making a tool/platform a great one, but what makes Adsbridge dashboard different from others, to clear out everything that I have mentioned above, let's take a deeper dive into what are the features and tools accessible over the dashboard:

Adsbridge Review Tutorial

2. Multi-user Access

The multi-user access can be very helpful in many ways, and this feature can be very helpful for people and marketers working along with a team, where the working operations need not only multiple users but also a different level of execution from them. Adsbridge's multi-user access can be very helpful in making a more efficient and effective advertising campaign.

3. Statistics by AdsBridge

As an affiliate tracker, stats play quite an important role as you can access various data and information over a single platform. AdsBridge offers different types of statistics sections which can be helpful in a number of factors, and these sections are:

5. Other standalone features by AdsBridge:

➤ Links to websites

➤ Links in emails

➤ PPC related ads (ads and banners)

➤ Links from social media in messages and other ways

Well, after considering all the features and tools offered by AdsBridge, its pretty clear how AdsBridge has gained such a name in terms of tracking solutions and tracking everything related to your affiliate campaigns.

Now comes the plans; I have listed almost all of the major factors and features that make AdsBridge an intelligent ad tracking platform, but what about the plans? How much will they cost you, and are they even worth your money? So, to clear all these questions, let's take a look at what all plans are offered by AdsBridge.

Before hopping over the plans and everything, I would like to mention that AdsBridge offers a 14-day free trial with whichever pricing plan you go ahead with; I think this 14-day trial can be an excellent way for you to understand and get along with how AdsBridge works. Well, in my opinion, where most of the platforms offer a 30-day free trial, the 14-day trial will be enough for you to understand how the platform works.

The thing that really amazed me was its list of plans, where most of the affiliate software offers around 4 to 5 plans; Adsbridge has taken it to another level; it offers a total of 7 plans, yes you read it right, 7 plans. These 7 different plans are made with keeping almost every user, business and affiliate marketer in mind, so let's quickly take a look at what these plans are and what do they offer.

AdsBridge Review - Pricing Plans

✅What is AdsBridge Affiliate tracking Software?

AdsBridge is a highly centralized affiliate marketing platform for managing and optimizing all advertising campaigns. You can launch winning ad campaigns and maximize your revenue using this groundbreaking tracking technology.

✅How does affiliate tracking software work?

Affiliate tracking software allows the website to track clicks, record the exact traffic source, and reward you when the visitor makes a successful purchase through your affiliate links.

✅Is AdsBridge useful for PPC campaigns?

Yes, AdsBridge's PPC tracking software will help you improve and monitor your pay-per-click marketing campaigns. AdsBridge is designed to track and optimize PPC campaigns from Google, Facebook, and other platforms in a single click. You can add any traffic source. It also tracks conversion on Google Ads.

✅Which Affiliate Networks are directly supported by AdsBridge?

Most top networks are directly integrated, including Adcombo, Leadbit, Bitter Strawberry, Click Dealer, MaxBounty, and over 100 others. Furthermore, custom affiliate networks can be easily integrated using global or offer postback/pixels.

✅Is a VPS required to use AdsBridge?

No, Adsbridge is cloud hosted, so you do not need to set up your own server.

✅Do you get domain names from AdsBridge for your campaigns?

You can either buy your domain from Adsbridge or register it with your preferred domain registrar and point it to Adsbridge.

✅Can I create landing pages with AdsBridge?

Yes, Adsbridge is the only tracker that includes a landing page builder

✅Is an SSL Certificate offered from AdsBridge?

AdsBridge offers SSL protection via its system domains. If you're using your own domain, you can get either a single HTTPS certificate or a wildcard certificate (for multiple tracking domains)

I guess this article would have cleared a bit of question and doubts that you were having regarding AdsBridge. From my perspective, Adsbridge is a pretty impressive online affiliate tracking software; tracking the traffic source and traffic distribution can be a hectic task in itself; as an affiliate marketer getting a reliable cloud-based tracking platform can help in a lot of ways. I have already mentioned all the features and plans offered by Adsbridge, and I don't think I need to mention them again over here, but I would like to mention that tracking required data like links and landing pages that too from different traffic sources can be much of a task, whereas Adsbridge can be helpful in performing all these tasks at a single platform without any hassle and enhancing your experience in affiliate marketing at the same time.

Hopefully, this article will have helped you in understanding and clearing out the questions that you might be having over AdsBridge.

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