Embark on an advertising adventure with Adsterra's latest release: Interstitials, now available on the Self-Serve Platform. It’s been indeed a much-awaited addition to Adsterra’s ad formats stack.

Stick around as we unveil 5 key points for you to plunge into the exciting world of Interstitials.

1. Interstitials Are Now Available to Every Advertiser on Adsterra

The introduction of Interstitials to Adsterra’s SSP is no coincidence. Stats show that Interstitials account for an impressive 50% of the ad demand among Social Bar users in Adsterra’s managed accounts. That is why, no longer limited to being “at the request“, they are now accessible to all advertisers on the SSP. What is more, Adsterra has devised a collection of highly effective pre-adjusted templates across diverse industries such as Mobile Utility, Finance, E-commerce, Dating, iGaming, and more, ensuring a significant boost to your online advertising efforts!

2. A Swift Glance: Decoding Interstitials

Before we go into the riveting details, let’s focus on the essence of Interstitials. What are they? To understand, consider these informative descriptions:

  • Full-screen ads on a darkened background overlaying the webpage content.
  • Key elements include a large image/text, optional heading and description, CTA, and a “Close” option.
  • Occupies 45% to 80% of the webpage making the ad almost impossible to miss out on.
Adsterra Interstitial Ads

3. Explore: What Sets Interstitials Apart?

Presented as a subformat of the well-loved and unique Social Bar, Interstitials keep Adsterra's innovative spirit alive. Here’s what you can take from Interstitials:

  • Seamlessly A/B test with up to 15 visuals.
  • UX-friendly and brand-oriented.
  • Upload your creative hassle-free.
  • Reach exceptional viewability.
  • Attain first-in-row ad placement: yes, you may not even need a prelander anymore!
  • Perfect for CPI, CPD, and CPL campaigns.
  • Competitive CPM rates.

4. Charting Success: Interstitials for Your Marketing Next-Level Marketing

Encouraging advertisers to try our Interstitials, Gala Grigoreva, Adsterra’s CMO says, “Powering our platform with Interstitials, we intend to unlock new opportunities for communicating the ad message in its utmost creativity yet efficiency”. Speaking about efficiency, ponder these matters that Interstitials can help you with:

  • Expand Popunder campaigns with valuable traffic segments.
  • Infuse creative flair into Social Bar campaigns for the hottest leads.
  • Re-engage users through attractively redesigned ad messages.
  • Boost CTR, CR, and meet KPIs for agencies or affiliates.
  • Provide a friendly and smooth user experience.
  • Render a modern, immersive alternative to outperform pop-up windows.
5 Insights Into Adsterra's Interstitial Ads You Need to Grasp 1

5. Insider Hints to Rock Interstitials Campaign

As we went through all the essentials of Adsterra's latest release, it's time to get your hands on Interstitials most literally. Follow these recommendations to ensure your success in setting up your very first Interstitials campaign on Adsterra:

  • Let the real-time auction-savvy Smart CPM algorithms bid for optimal traffic based on your targeting.
  • Optimize CPM traffic by activating CPA Goal.
  • Begin with broader targeting during the test period; narrow down based on high-converting placements.
  • Add numerous creatives using various skins/templates.
  • Use discounts, bonuses, and bargains for engagement.
  • Keep images concise for maximum impact.
  • Think of headings that grab attention.
  • Back your claims with stats for credibility.
  • Limit offers by time for a conversion boost.

Act Now and Try Out Adsterra's Interstitial Ads!

These 5 insights should give you a thorough overview of Adsterra’s Interstitials. From their visual appeal to their contribution to achieving your marketing objectives, you now have all the key info to level up your online advertising. Apply the recommendations, secure remarkable outcomes, and, above all, point them out in your case study for an opportunity to earn $200 with your success story!

Stay tuned to Afftweaks for more affiliate marketing updates and insights. Everyone, have a great marketing day!

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