When you’re trying to find the Amazon tool which helps you find the best and easiest product to sell, you are sure to come across the name ZonGuru. And just in case you are wondering if is there ZonGuru API in existence then this article clears your doubts across these parameters.

ZonGuru is an Amazon sellers suite that serves as a collection of tools for established Amazon sellers that includes features for researching products, creating Amazon listings, automating emails, and more. It also functions as an Amazon selling tool comprising different tools and features like Niche Finder, Listing Optimizer, Email Automator, and much more.

With the help of ZonGuru's range of tools for Amazon sellers, you can spend more time managing your company and less time worrying about sourcing successful products.

The industry's most precise estimation and data are provided by ZonGuru. ZonGuru's collection of 17 tools is just what you need if you're an Amazon seller looking to grow your business.

What is an API?

ZonGuru API

An API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, acts as a bridge between different software systems, allowing them to communicate with each other. Think of it as a digital intermediary or a translator that allows one software to understand and utilize the functions or data of another.

For Amazon sellers, APIs provide a method to interact with Amazon's system programmatically. Instead of manually logging into their Amazon Seller Central account to manage inventory, place orders, or check reviews, sellers can use the Amazon API to automate these tasks.

How can Amazon Sellers leverage Amazon API?

The Amazon API offers sellers a variety of advantages, allowing them to have effective time management through work automation.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services.

There will be an upgrade to utilizing the Amazon API for several Amazon Seller tools.

However, individuals who do not make the transition may lose access to Amazon order and performance data when the legacy Marketplace Web Services (MWS) sections are phased down.

Is ZonGuru API Available for Amazon Sellers?

Currently, ZonGuru does not offer an API service with its subscription. But not to worry, it certainly offers a lot of features which more than makes up for its lack of this feature.

🗝️ ZonGuru Key Features


Here are some of the key features of the ZonGuru Amazon Seller tool listed below to understand its inner workings even better and help you make the right choice as per your needs.

Activity Dashboard

The Activity Dashboard provides users with an interface where they can monitor and assess various metrics and activities related to their Amazon business. It offers a visual representation of sales data, performance metrics, and other essential information, allowing sellers to make informed decisions quickly.

Alerts & Notifications

ZonGuru's Alerts and Notifications feature ensures that sellers are always in the loop. Whether it's a sudden spike in sales, low inventory warnings, or changes in product reviews, users receive timely notifications, enabling them to respond proactively to any situation.

Product Research

ZonGuru offers a whole set of features that can run a complete analysis across the product research part. The tools and features offered by ZonGuru include Niche Finder, Sales Spy, Love Hate, and much more.

Customer Engagement

ZonGuru offers two different features/tools which can turn out to be of great value for Amazon sellers who seek to manage their customer engagement operations. These two tools include the Email Automator and Review Automator which help in auto-replying and other related operations on the go.

Inventory Management

Keeping track of stock levels is crucial for any Amazon seller. ZonGuru's Inventory Management feature provides real-time insights into stock levels, predicts when restocking is needed, and alerts sellers about potential stockouts, ensuring that sales are never lost due to inventory issues. This feature can be found by the name My Products where inventory and related info of the products listed by you can be found.

Order Management

This feature streamlines the process of tracking and managing orders. From processing orders to handling returns and refunds, ZonGuru's Order Management system ensures that sellers can efficiently handle all aspects of order fulfillment, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.

Reviews Management

Customer reviews play a pivotal role in an Amazon seller's success. ZonGuru's Reviews Management feature allows sellers to monitor, respond to, and analyze product reviews. This not only helps in maintaining a positive brand image but also provides insights into areas of improvement based on customer feedback.

Each of these features is designed to empower Amazon sellers, providing them with the tools and insights needed to optimize their business operations and achieve success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

ZonGuru Pricing Plans

ZonGuru offers two main pricing plans, catering to different stages of an Amazon seller's journey:

  • Researcher Plan ($39/month): This plan is ideal for new Amazon sellers in the product research phase or those looking to improve their listings. It includes access to various product research and listing optimization tools.
  • Seller Plan (starting at $49/month): This plan is suitable for those actively selling on Amazon or about to start. It offers a more comprehensive set of tools, including business metrics tracking, customer engagement, and high-priority support. The pricing for the Seller plan varies based on the number of active SKUs (products with sales in the past 90 days). Here's a breakdown of the pricing tiers for the Seller plan:

  • 1-20 SKUs: $79/month or $49/month ($588 billed annually)
  • 21-100 SKUs: $159/month or $99/month ($1,188 billed annually)
  • 101-1000 SKUs: $249/month or $159/month ($1,908 billed annually)

Both plans offer a 7-day free trial, and you can save up to 40% by choosing the annual billing option.


Although ZonGuru does not currently offer an API, it remains a valuable and popular tool for Amazon sellers. The decision not to provide an API can be attributed to various reasons, ranging from security concerns to business strategy. Users looking for API functionalities might need to explore other platforms or wait for potential future updates from ZonGuru.

But apart from that ZonGuru offers a whole set of features that can be of great value to Amazon sellers, whether it is Amazon product research, listing optimization, customer engagement, email automation, alerts, or anything else; ZonGuru covers it all.

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