The famed Santa Clara Marriott hotel will play host to the Efficient Generative AI Summit on September 11, 2023. This event will discuss AI innovations that increase productivity and will concentrate on scaling generative AI projects or products and serve as the official kickoff to the eagerly anticipated AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit.

One can learn a lot about artificial intelligence and many different facets of AI training during this single-day session, which is also a co-located event with AI Hardware and Edge AI Summit.

About Efficient Generative AI Summit 2023

Efficient Generative AI Summit 2023

Many businesses and software developers will attend this event in search of ideas and solutions. As a participant, one can find a variety of studies and discussions at this one-day tech event. The program will include studies on how an AI might be employed in a more inexpensive, sustainable, and effective manner after having explored the efficiency-boosting technology.

With multiple panel discussions and presentations from a variety of businesses, this event will also give the attendees an ideal chance to discuss how to address their own difficulties while learning about the distinctive ideas of the leading experts in the field.

Along with all of that, a panel of outstanding global specialists in the field of generative AI is anticipated to attend the Efficient Generative AI Summit. In addition to having extensive knowledge of advanced corporate technologies and application development, these speakers and industry leaders will also be responsible for building the sector's infrastructure.

Schedule of Efficient Generative AI Summit 2023

The registration process and networking session will start at 9 a.m. The keynote presentation by Vikas Chandra on Why Efficient Generative AI is Important and How To Deploy Generative Models onto Devices will start at 10 am.

The following will be by Subutai Ahmad, titled Taming the Power-Hungry Generative AI Beast: It's Time for a Brain-Based Approach. Attending Fausto Artico's speech on Homogeneity in Software, Heterogeneity in Compute: Why General Purpose Compute Isn't Enough for Generative AI is possible at 11 a.m.

A panel discussion on Consumption Modalities – Pre-Training vs. Finetuning and How to Do Either Easily and Affordably will follow the networking lunch at 12:15 sharp. Fauto Artico and Abhijeet Gulati will be on the panel in this.

Rashmi Gopinath, Gayathri Radhakrishnan, Yvonne Lutsch, and Michael Stewart will present a startup showcase on Enabling Technologies for Enterprise Foundation Model Efficiency – HW Optimisation, Model Optimisation, MLOps, etc.

Rahul Sharnagat will then give a lecture on Cutting Edge Techniques in Model Efficiency: Getting Performance and Efficiency from Transformers Without Increasing Parameter Counts.

A panel discussion on Efficient and Sustainable Model Serving for LLMs – Model and Hardware Architectures for Efficient Generative AI Inference will follow a networking break at 3:40. The panelists for this will be Jay Dawani, Arun Nandi, and Nikesh Pahuja.

Speakers for Efficient Generative AI Summit 2023 

There will be a number of industry leaders at the event who will talk on various topics. The list begins with Subutai Ahmad, CEO of Numenta, and Fauto Artico, Global R&D Tech Head and Director of Innovation & Data Science GSK the panel will be taken by a number of dignitaries.

Speakers for Efficient Generative AI Summit 2023

Tickets for Efficient Generative AI 2023

As the event is a co-related event with AI Hardware and Edge AI Summit 2023, the tickets for this are available for $699, if you have already purchased a pass for AI Hardware event 2023. But if you wish to go for this event alone, the tickets for the Efficient Generative AI 2023 event are available for $1,199.

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