Affiliate World Asia (AWA), the premier affiliate marketing conference in Asia, concluded its 7th annual event in Bangkok on December 8th after two jam-packed days of keynotes, panels, workshops, and networking.

Keep on Reading Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 Recap to get a complete insight into what the AWA 23 unwrapped!

Over 5,500 attendees from the affiliate marketing, ecommerce, and online advertising industries descended upon Bangkok to soak up game-changing insights, forge valuable connections, and bring their businesses to new heights.

The conference offered a platform for attendees to network with the industry’s brightest minds, absorb mastermind-level content on stage, and be exposed to a marketplace overflowing with opportunities to push their careers forward. The event was not focused on any particular vertical but provided wide opportunities for networking.

The Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 Recap

Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 Recap

Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 was a Smash Hit💥 bringing together over 5,500 attendees from across the globe. The energy was electric as affiliates, advertisers, merchants, and industry experts networked, learned cutting-edge strategies, and forged valuable connections.

Sessions covered hot topics like Meta Ads, TikTok, Google Ads, native advertising, and more. Expert speakers dropped serious affiliate marketing knowledge bombs. The exhibit hall overflowed with opportunities.

After marathon days soaking up insights, attendees let loose at legendary happy hours and parties. Lifelong partnerships were born over drinks as the Bangkok skyline glittered.

Though exhausted, attendees departed newly energized, with actionable tips to boost their businesses and relationships that will fuel future success. 

Highlights from the Main Stage

The AWA main stage hosted 40+ marketing experts who delivered some overpowered strategies and data-backed advice on today's most lucrative online advertising channels. Key topics included the latest trends and innovations in Meta Ads, Google Ads, TikTok, Native Advertising, Email Marketing, Search Arbitrage, Blockchain, and more.

Standout sessions included the keynote “The Future of Affiliate Marketing” by industry legend Shawn Collins and an insightful panel on “Navigating the Cookieless Future” featuring executives from leading advertising platforms. Attendees also valued practical workshops like “7-Figure Facebook Campaign Blueprint” by super affiliate Geno Prussakov and “How to 10X Your Affiliate Sales with AI” by ClickBank CEO Tom Breeze.

The Sold-Out Expo Hall

Affiliate World Asia Attendees

The bustling expo hall provided the perfect backdrop for attendees to meet face-to-face with over 150 exhibitors spanning affiliate networks, tracking platforms, agencies, advertisers, and other affiliate-friendly brands. Booths offered personalized demos of new products, exclusive show specials, giveaways, games, happy hours, and more.

The vibrant marketplace facilitated countless partnerships between merchants and publishers looking to collaborate. Exhibitors unanimously praised the quality of attendees and several promising connections made.

🌃 Nightlife, Fun, and Celebration

Affiliate World Asia Nightlife

Beyond the sessions and exhibitor booths, AWA 2023 certainly did not skimp on the fun! Attendees let loose at happy hours, evening parties, and networking events held at Bangkok's most glamorous rooftop venues.

On the final evening, all came together for the legendary AWA Gala. Guests dressed to impress for a night of fine dining, entertainment, music, dancing, and celebrating new friends and partners made at the conference.

Record Attendance & Buzzing Energy

AWA 2023 welcomed over 700 more attendees than in 2022 for its biggest show yet. The electric energy was palpable from the moment doors opened. Despite the record crowds, the event ran seamlessly thanks to the top-notch organization.

100% of attendees surveyed said they made valuable new business connections at AWA 2023. Furthermore, 94% of attendees plan to return for Affiliate World Asia 2024 in Bangkok.

The resounding success of this year's show has set the bar high for the next installment of Affiliate World Asia, expected to be held in Bangkok, in December 2024.

Industry Reflection at AWA Bangkok 2023

Industries and Attendees in AWA Bangkok 2023

The Attendees witnessed an electrifying atmosphere at Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023, where the performance marketing landscape came alive with some of the top-tier exhibitors. The iGaming sector was out in full force, with industry titans showcasing the latest breakthroughs in casino games, sports betting, and beyond. They were in good company, joined by top-tier proxy providers and SaaS tools, the secret weapons that affiliates use to supercharge their businesses.

While the proxy providers pulled back the curtain on their strategies for managing massive traffic volumes without a hitch, the SaaS companies demonstrated how their smart automation and analytics tools can boost conversions and maximize customer lifetime value.

With such a concentration of industry leaders, Affiliate World Asia was a goldmine of opportunities for affiliates to forge valuable connections and take their earnings to the next level.

Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 Side Events

Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 was not just about the main conference. The event was amplified by a series of exciting side events that offered unique opportunities for attendees to connect, collaborate, and have fun. Fitness enthusiasts kicked off their day with the Aff-Fit 5km run, while networking mixers centered around Google and TikTok Ads provided a platform for industry professionals to exchange ideas and insights.

Exclusive meetups for investors and STM members were also part of the agenda, along with social events like the Affiliate Drinks Meetup. The Affiliate White Sensation Dinner & After-Party was a highlight, promising an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

One of the key side events was the Affiliate After Hours, an official networking party hosted by Affiliate World & Algo Affiliates. This event offered happy hours, rooftop sunsets, and an irresistible industry nightlife, providing opportunities for networking, learning, and entertainment.

These side events, taking place in luxurious locations like the Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok and Club Levels Bangkok, added an extra layer of excitement to the Affiliate World Asia 2023, making it truly worth experiencing.

My Take on Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023

AWA BKK Recap 2023

Affiliate World Asia Bangkok 2023 was an all-encompassing experience for affiliate marketers like me, offering a complete package that went beyond expectations. Considering the AWA Bangkok and other side events, it was a melting pot of innovation, learning, and networking, where the brightest minds in affiliate and e-commerce marketing took the stage to share their own strategies and ideas.

The conference also provided a whole bunch of opportunities to connect with industry leaders and peers. The marketplace was brimming with potential partnerships and the after-hours brought everyone together for happy hours and rooftop sunsets, adding a touch of relaxation and fun to the intense learning environment.

Affiliate World Asia truly stood out as a career catalyst, where learning from experts was seamlessly integrated with the chance to build significant connections. The event's vibrant atmosphere and the diversity of attendees made it the ultimate hub for anyone serious about propelling their affiliate marketing career to new heights.

🐫 Upcoming Event Affiliate World Asia Dubai 2024

Affiliate World Asia Dubai

The Affiliate World Conference is set to make its debut in Dubai on 28-29 February 2024. This two-day event is expected to be the largest gathering of the world's top affiliate marketers and ecommerce entrepreneurs. Attendees will have the opportunity to absorb mastermind-level content on stage, where industry experts will present new insights and data-driven strategies.

The conference will also feature a marketplace brimming with opportunities to propel businesses forward. Beyond the formal sessions, the event promises an engaging social program, with happy hours, rooftop sunsets, and irresistible industry nightlife. Affiliate World Dubai 2024 is shaping up to be an unmissable event for anyone in the affiliate marketing and ecommerce sectors.

👉 For more information and updates on AWA 2024, visit the Affiliate World Asia Official Website.

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