Recruiting quality affiliates and managing them could be a daunting task as recruiting affiliates does not take you to the road of success, but managing them does.

If you want to make a big difference in your website’s traffic and revenue, then you have to build a great strategy and accomplish what you had dreamed of. 

Having few quality affiliates is much better than having tons and millions of affiliates, with most of them being spam and bringing low-quality traffic. 

How to recruit quality affiliates and manage them?

This is what this article is all about. In this post, we are sharing some mainstream tips free of cost so you could build a strong relationship with your affiliates and expect quality traffic to grow your website's presence and revenue.

Affiliate marketing is not a lazy man’s job, and so is recruiting quality affiliates. We understand how pressurized you must be feeling when recruiting affiliates and so we have highlighted some tips to share your burden.

Best Tips to Recruit Quality Affiliates

Recruit Quality Affiliates

Take full benefit from these tips, and if you have any crucial strategy that you think might work better, then don’t hesitate to implement it.

Email Outreach

You can visit websites, blogs, and drop an affiliate recruiting email to bring affiliates for your network. But this is a tedious job as you have to find out and look for blogs and websites daily.

Email Outreach

This task needs a dedicated staff in your company performing outreach email every day, or your manager could do this.

But how would you know if the websites you are contacting are quality affiliates?

For this, you have to use some tools that will identify affiliates and bloggers in a particular niche and invite them you join your network as an affiliate.

You can search for keywords related to your niche, and based on the results on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. You can contact affiliates with a nice email outreach inviting them to join your network.

Email outreach has to be done in bulk and is, therefore, a tedious job but very effective. If you can’t do it, hire an agency that can carry out this process for you.


SEO is the backbone of any website, and therefore the most important role in ranking on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

When people search for specific affiliate programs like dating affiliate, health affiliate, gaming affiliate, Nutra affiliate, etc. then SEO becomes the key strategy that makes the user land on your site and sign up for the affiliate program.

Without proper SEO on your site, people won’t find your company, and no matter how much you invest in your software or sign-up forms, it will all go in vain.

The main purpose of SEO is to bring organic traffic to your website. You can use LinkedIn posts to get more organic traffic or even go for press releases in some popular press. The more advertisement you do, the more organic traffic you will attract.

By using niche keywords, you can post on different sites or participate in different forums Q&A and insert your affiliate sign-up link to get more visitors on your site page.

Social Media Advertisement

  • Facebook Ads

The #1 social media network with the most active users on mobile & desktop has stretched its hand for every business to grow.

You can make use of Facebook ads to run targeted ads for affiliate marketing and international conferences to bring new affiliates and partners. People who have shown interest in affiliate networks could also be targeted.

Before you bring traffic to your affiliate sign-up page or any other page, make sure the information is crystal clear. Include step-by-step images to show the procedure of joining your network with payouts information and payment methods.

If possible, make a nice video explaining about your network and what makes your network different from others. So when a new affiliate lands on your site, you get this affiliate lockdown with your affiliate program.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional place to meet professionals of different niche, and most of the hiring in companies is now done based on the LinkedIn profile as it is considered to be genuine.

You will find many people from the affiliate industry and bloggers on LinkedIn and also people from other niches, which opens up space for you to search for quality affiliates.

You can interact with people and get insights into where they work or what they are interested in. You can smartly ask people to join your network by messaging them in personal or commenting in a post.

Like you can see where people work, even they know who you are and where you work. Affiliate managers can take the utmost benefit of LinkedIn by showing which affiliate network they work for. Companies can ask affiliate managers to connect with people on LinkedIn and bring new affiliates.

  • Twitter

Twitter is another emerging and popular social media platform where people tweet about anything. You can find phrases and keywords related to your niche and follow them.

You can participate in the tweet by re-tweeting and sharing your opinions and then, in a subtle way, invite them to join your network. By interacting with the tweet, your chances of being followed back increases, and you might grab an affiliate’s attention.

Affiliate Networks

There are many networks that offer CPA to their affiliates. By joining these networks, you have a fair chance of attracting some affiliates with your CPA offers. But you should know that the chances of fraud are very high.

Keep an eye on the leads coming from CPA affiliate networks as you have to pay a flat rate per sale, and it’s a big amount.  

You can look for some big affiliate companies like ShareASale, CJ, etc. that offer tools that can be utilized for email follow-ups. You can send offers to affiliates by category, country, or even work like an affiliate working in the gaming niche could be the one you are looking for.

This is hectic, but in our opinion, it is the best opportunity that your affiliate managers shouldn’t miss out on.       

Digital & Affiliate Conferences

Participating in international digital & affiliate events is a great idea where you get a stall for your company and a chance to promote your company.

Digital & Affiliate Conferences

Conferences are the best place to meet affiliates face-to-face and understand their behavior. You can get a positive response by meeting them and straight-forward sign-ups right on the spot.

By becoming a sponsor for such events, your company logo is published on the event’s website and newsletters. You can offer bags and other marketing material, so affiliates remember you when using those materials.

Conferences leave a significant impact on everyone’s mind, and so you should often participate in conferences like DMIEXPO (we are not biased). Still, only serious marketers and companies participate in our event.

So DMIEXPO is one great place for you to recruit quality affiliates and manage them with your abilities.

🌟 Affiliates FAQ

✅ What does it mean to be an affiliate?

The primary role of an affiliate is to promote a product or service and earn a commission whenever a sale is made. Affiliate marketing can be achieved with the help of blogs and websites. 

✅ What is an affiliate marketing business?

In affiliate marketing, one can earn a commission by promoting different products and brands for each sale that you make you will a good amount of profit.

✅ Is being an affiliate worth it?

As we all know, affiliate marketing takes a lot of time, and you will need some necessary skills to start as an affiliate. If you learn affiliate marketing, then you start earning real money in a short period of time.

✅ What is an affiliate code?

An affiliate code is a URL or link that the user can click and go to the website and make a purchase. After purchasing the product, you will get a small or large commission.

Final Verdict:

Well, these were some awesome tips that you should consider if you want quality affiliates to promote your business and increase ROI.

We know there are many more tips that some of you might be following and our clients would be obliged if you could share some quality tips that would be of great help to them.

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