Adport Review

If you’re looking for a reliable ad network, an alternative to Google Adsense, then we’ve found the solution for you. Adport is a self-service platform, powered by Kimia Group, that provides many different monetizing solutions for publishers and high-quality traffic for advertisers.

Adport was designed for webmasters, publishers in general, affiliate marketers, and more, and its main appeal is the number of ad formats you can choose from, each of them allowing at least some degree of customization, along with one of the highest revenue shares in the market – but we’ll get into that further along.

In this Adport review, we will look into their different ad formats and features while comparing it to the most popular ad network out there: Google Adsense.

What is an Ad Network?

First things first: What is an ad network? An ad network is a company that connects publishers and advertisers. It works as a bridge between those who have something to advertise and those who want to sell their web space to host advertisements

Even though technically publishers could directly negotiate with advertisers, ad networks save up time and finds the perfect advertiser, registered in their platform, for the traffic each registered publisher drives. Ad networks also facilitate the technical part of implementing and monitoring campaigns, speeding up transactions and payments at the same time. 

So if you’re an advertiser or a publisher and you want to make money, start by looking into different ad networks to see which one fits your goals best. To help you out, we’ll review Adport, like we said before, and explain why it is a solid option for you to take into account when choosing your ad network. 

Adport Review: Monetization platform for publishers

What is Adport

As mentioned, Adport is a relatively new company, powered by Kimia Group. When it comes to the services they offer to webmasters, their top verticals are directed to video streaming, extensions and downloads, blogs from multiple categories (gaming, traveling, fitness, news), sports, and online tools.

Paying on a CPM/CPC basis, depending on the ad format (which we will detail later) they allow publishers to choose between different payment methods, such as PayPal and bank wire transfer.

When it comes to advertisers, their traffic works well for those who promote sweepstakes, mobile content, dating, nutra, and ecommerce services. Adport also offers other flexible integrations for advertisers to obtain additional traffic. 

Adport’s Available Ad Formats | Adport Review

Adport Ad formats

Adport currently offers six different formats: push notifications, pop-unders or onclicks, smart links and, rich media, interstitials and in-page push notifications. 

  • Push notifications: One of the most well-known and successful ad formats out there, they’re the typical clickable message that appear to users asking for their consent to send notifications to their desktop. Push notifications are ideal to monetize traffic and aggressively promote ads. They also have one of the highest CTRs due to user prior consent.
  • Pop-unders or onclicks: These full screen ads appear on an entirely new tab when the user clicks on an object in the site, which provides massive reach. It’s considered to be a top revenue generator with 100% fill at all times.
  • Smartlinks: These links select the best offer, taking into account the traffic driven, and redirect the user when clicked on. They can be placed anywhere in a site.
  • In-page push notifications: These work practically the same as push notifications, having even a similar appearance. Except, in this case, prior consent isn’t required and the ads appear organically in the website. At Adport you can customize your in-page push, choosing between three different skins (classic, social and chat) to best fit your audience.
  • Interstitials: One of Adport’s newest formats, these overlay ad spots cover completely, or almost, the interface of a website. At Adport, you can pick the classic interstitial or the scratch one, which forces interaction with users, increasing engagement. This format also provides very high CTRs
  • Rich Media: Only available for mobile, these are dynamic display ads that encourage interaction. Adport offers four different skins to choose from Casket (a display that expands from the bottom of the site and then collapses to stay fixed at the bottom),  Puncher (two images that appear at the bottom of the site and stay fixed until the user interacts with them), Spinner (a small rotating image that stays fixed on the bottom right side corner of the site showing two different images like the two sides of a coin), and Tripod (a set of three images appearing from the bottom of the site that remain fixed until the user interacts with them). 

At Adport you can try them all out, or even combine different ad formats. Implementing and customizing them is also very easy and intuitive. So let’s see how their platform works.

Getting Started with Adport | Adport's Benefits for Publishers

Another huge advantage Adport brings to the table is its easy onboarding process and straightforward platform. Both publishers and advertisers register on their website for free and receive within a maximum of 24 hours a confirmation email with a username and password to access Adport’s platform. 

Creating ad units (the actual script to be placed on the publisher's site) and customizing them, like we said, is very simple and intuitive. They also offer advertisers the option to target their campaigns to whichever GEO, audience and hours they want. Everything can be monitored within the same platform, and the results can be downloaded for future reference.

Also, with just one user, you can implement and monitor ads in different websites, which is a very practical feature. And, in many cases, you only need one script to implement multiple ad units (if they are of the same format), simplifying the process.

When it comes to safety, Adport also provides anti-fraud protection and tools, both manual and automated, to filter out bots.

To top it all off, just in case, Adport has a YouTube channel where they provide detailed tutorials on how to use the platform and pick the best ad format for each business. They also have a support email that publishers and advertisers can contact at any time in case there are any doubts.

Also, they have already disclosed that, shortly, a blog will be available on their website, where they will upload tutorials, case studies, tips and tricks on using their platform, and more. 

Comparison to Google Adsense | Adport Vs. Adsense

Due to its presence in the market, Google Adsense is usually the go-to for publishers and advertisers. And, although it is a very good ad network, that does allow you to make a lot of money, it isn’t for everyone, with restrictions and complex registration processes that discourage a lot of publishers and advertisers.

If we look at the pros, Adsense is free to join, allows you to run ads in different websites with just one user account and can even be added to your YouTube account, if you have at least 1.000 subscribers. All of those things, except adding your program to your YouTube account, are also possible with Adport.

If we look at the cons, Adsense’s onboarding process is quite complicated: you have to meet a series of requirements and, even then, Google can terminate your account at any moment if you break the rules. There are also many niche restrictions, for example for adult content – problems you won’t have with Adport. And, unlike the prior, Adsense offers only three types of ads (display ads, text ads, and link unit ads), with fewer customization options.

When it comes to payment, Google pays only through direct deposit or check, starting when your earnings reach or exceed $100. At Adport, you can choose between direct bank wire transfer or Paypal. They start paying once your earnings reach or exceed $50. 

Not only is the amount smaller, meaning you can start receiving your earnings sooner, but Adport also offers a significantly higher revenue share in comparison to Adsense. While publishers receive a maximum of 68% of the revenue for displaying ads with Adsense, or a maximum of 51% for search, at Adport publishers can receive up to 85% of the revenue. That’s one of the highest shares in the market!

Why is it a Better Alternative to Adsense?

Long story short, while many publishers and bloggers turn to Adsense to monetize their site, alternative ad networks such as Adport might be a better option. 

More inclusive and with a wider range of ad formats (that are customizable), as we saw before in detail, Adport doesn’t impose any restrictions on niche and approves almost right away all webmasters, which can help even smaller blogs and publishers to monetize their traffic.

When it comes to revenue sharing, we’d like to emphasize once again the difference between Adsense and Adport. While the first one’s maximum revenue share is 68%, Adport’s revenue share can go up to 85%. That means that you don’t have to drive huge amounts of traffic to start earning money.

Also, CPC is Adsense’s dominant bidding strategy, while Adport’s is both CPC and CPM depending on the ad format (even though it’s true that Google’s platform does also include CPM bidding strategies). That flexibility is appreciated. 

What is Adport?

Adport is a self-service platform that offers various monetizing solutions and helps drive high quality traffic for publishers and advertisers respectively.

What are the benefits of using Adport?

There are various benefits of Adport as you can simply create ad units and target their campaigns to different POVs, and it only requires one script to implement multiple ad units.

Is Adport worth it?

Yes! Adport is totally worth using as it offers higher revenue shares and tools to monetize and pull the high quality traffic, while even providing creative solutions.

What are the different types of ad format offered by Adport?

There are six different types of ad format offered by Adport, which are: push notifications, rich media, pop-unders or onclicks, smart links, interstitials, rich media, and in-page push notifications

Final Verdict | Adport Review 2024: Is it the best Adsense Alternative?

So, the question is, whether if Adport is worth it. The answer is yes, especially if you’re having trouble registering and getting accepted by Adsense or are a small blogger, but not only in those cases. Even if you drive high traffic or if you’ve already raised a considerable amount of brand awareness, Adport is still for you, since it offers higher revenue shares and more creative solutions, formats, and tools to monetize and attract traffic. 

There is no cost and it takes no time whatsoever to register on their platform, so we recommend you try it out and see it for yourself. 

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