It is a little disappointing to see when other bloggers copy your unique content. Nowadays, people think that no one will ever know if they do a slight paraphrasing in the existing blog content! It is a shame, though.

However, few platforms can let you know if the blog is copied. Along with the copied percentage also gives you the exact sources from which the content is copied.

All content writers and bloggers are curious to know whether or not their content has been stolen. Therefore, to analyze the status of your existing content, you can use various multi-dimensional tools that help you to know the exact status.

5+ Best Free Plagiarism Checker to Find Copied Content

How to Find Out if your Blog Content is Copied

As one should be aware of the current trends and analysis of their content, the following is the list of the tools that save your blogs from getting stolen!

Content Checker ToolClick Here
Hexowatch Click Here
Copyscape Click Here
CopyGator Click Here
33Across Click Here
Plagium Click Here

#1. Hexowatch

How to Find Out if your Blog Content is Copied

Hexowatch is a unique web monitoring tool that helps you keep on your site's changes. Monitoring your competitor's website can be a daunting task if you decide to do that manually.

Automation tools like Hexowatch can help you keep an eye on all your competitor's site activities, including their content. If in any way your competitor's site is copying or scraping your blogs, you would know the information beforehand.

You get access to the following monitoring levels:

There are paid plans available, but you check out the free plan here!

#2. CopyScape

How to Find Out if your Blog Content is Copied

Copyscape is an online plagiarism detection service specially designed to check if the content is copied or not. When you paste a link or the material of the content, it shows you how much percentage the content is copied.

Not only that, but it also gives you the exact resources of the copied content. Even if the sentences are paraphrased, you get to know about that.

Copyscape banners can be placed on their web page to warn the plagiarists to stop copying content.
You also get few free trials before purchasing the plan.

#3. CopyGator

How to Find Out if your Blog Content is Copied

CopyGator is an anti-plagiarism tool that offers the information related to the RSS feed right there on the panel. To use the service, you are not required to paste your content somewhere else.

The panel automatically checks your existing content and lets you know the sources in which the material is copied. It offers you some intricate details even if the other content is paraphrased.

CopyGator is free to use, so you can click here to audit your RSS feed.

#4. 33Across

How to Find Out if your Blog Content is Copied

33Across helps you to ascertain the copy-paste activity of your site. Although, it is not an exact plagiarism checker. But when someone copies the content from your site, it offers a detailed report on where the content is posted.

This tool comes in handy when we want to check the strategy of our competitor's site. If the competitor's site is parodying the content in any way, you will get a detailed report of the information.

Additionally, this site also offers you a deep search option. You can use the information to search on www and get an accurate paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the text.

#5. Plagium


The plagiarism rate of your content could be checked through the Plagium tool. When you have to perform the procedure, copy the body of the blog and paste it into the 25,000 character's search box.

Wait for the results for few seconds, and then the entire detailed report pops up in front of your eyes.

If you decide to buy the premium version, restrictions on the number of characters can be removed.

Myths about Copied Content

There are few myths about duplicate content, which one blogger should avoid at any cost. It is good to check for the quality of your written pieces, but that does not mean that a blogger should believe that taking references to other articles is also the same!


There is a vast difference between copying the soul of the content and analyzing the soul of the content.

Copying the whole source would mean that there is nothing in that article that is your source of inspiration. However, analyzing the same for your reference would help you write a better piece in the future.

Following is the list of myths that a blogger should steer clear off:

  • Few words of non-original content will hurt your site's ranking

Now, this is a complete myth! There is no way that your content's few copied words on other sites will hurt your site's ranking. However, if someone is directly copying and pasting your content on their site, with a few minor changes, it might hurt your blog's reputation a tad.

But again, those are sporadic cases. If you noticed that happen to your blogs, you can contact the owner or file a penalty in their name.

  • Republishing guest posts will affect your site's reputation

If you are a blogger, you probably must know that few guest posts need to be republished on your site. If you do that, there is no need to despair as there is a general set of terms and conditions which states that it is outstanding to republish your written guest posts on your site.

  • Scrapers will harm your site

Various bloggers watch Google search console. However, if you think that a scraper might hurt your existing content, you might be wrong.

When a scraper copies content, he sharply removes the Google links associated with it. If he does that, he is not aware of Google's Duplicate Content Guidelines or the Guidelines for Disavows.

Save some time and read the guidelines to know the precise status of the duplicated content.

🌟 Duplicate Content FAQ

👉Is duplicate content Bad?

Duplicate content refers to content that is very similar, if not identical, on several pages. Remember that duplicate content provides little to no value to your visitors and causes search engines to get confused. Avoid duplicating content at all costs since it will hurt your SEO.

👉How do I stop Google from duplicating content?

To overcome this issue, Google suggests adding a canonical tag to your content's preferred URL.

👉How do I find duplicate content on my website?

There are several tools available to detect duplicate content. is probably one of the most well-known duplicate content checkers.

👉What are the other tools for checking duplicate content?

Check below tools:
– Hexowatch
– Copyscape
– CopyGator
– 33Across
– Plagium

👉What is the standard fix for duplicate content?

Placing a 301 redirect from the “duplicate” website to the original content page is often the best approach to avoid duplicate content.

Bottom Line

All the above tools are an excellent option to know the current status of your existing content. We hope by now, you know the answer to the question, ‘How to find out if your Blog Content is copied?

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