Are your sales strategy failing, or are you failing your sales strategy? Well, we are not here to fret you more. First thing first, your store needs the UpsellMaster plugin. And secondly, this UpsellMaster plugin review will tell you why your Ecommerce stores need it. Read it now!

Many e-commerce stores hesitate to hog into sales techniques to increase their customer base because they either find it expensive or time-consuming. But the reality is much more different. If used correctly, sales strategies can actually enhance users' buying experience. And one such sales strategy is upselling, which involves pushing clients to buy more products from the store.

Basically, what happens here is to increase the cart value of buyers; sellers lure customers with premium versions of chosen items, more expensive products, or different types of add-ons that would best match the selected product.

The aim here is to raise the overall transaction by introducing customers to a range of products that might better suit their purchase/needs. This strategy works wonders because customers desire to make only the best purchase, and upselling sometimes often helps them with the same.

Upselling even allows sellers to display more products to customers that they might not have explored during their product search. This tactic is not new in the market and has already benefited multiple e-commerce leaders, like Amazon, Walmart, and more. And if you are still not content about how upselling would work for your store, let's look at some benefits of upselling!

Your answer to why Upsell?

  • Offers quick wins

By upselling, you are basically recommending products to your customers, and this tactic itself can generate 10-30% of revenue. If you place an upsell offer at the right time, at the right place, and at the right place, it can considerably improve the average order value.

  • Lower customer acquisition rate

You have already spent millions of dollars, or even hundreds, to get a customer to your store. So why not let them buy three or more products than just one?

  • Build a deeper relationship with customers

When thought of practically, upselling can do wonders to your business. It helps customers make a thoughtful decision about their purchase and check out other products in a similar niche or products they would need along with the purchased item. For example, if the user buys a good pair of jeans, you can upsell them t-shirts that would look awesome when paired together. In this way, your customer doesn't have to look out further for t-shirts, and they will get happier with the purchase too.

  • Increases customer lifetime value (CLV)

Businesses often categorize customers into three groups – the ones that aren't profitable, those who are profitable, and those who are highly profitable. The higher the profit a customer gives to a business, the higher the customer's lifetime value. The more the customer will buy products from the store, the more money the organization gets to spend on its business.

  • Customers get addicted!

Upselling gives customers a sense of satisfaction that they bought the best product. It encourages them to shop more from the store since the store gives better recommendations. And that's how they get addicted!

Even though upselling comes with multiple benefits, the trick lies in how smoothly you are implementing this sales strategy in your business because:

  • Nearly the whole upselling process requires hours of manual work, labor, and expertise.
  • Not every product has to be upselled, and not every customer is the same. That's the thing about upselling; as a seller, you really don't know if the selected products for upselling are really the best or not.
  • Upsells never work on all sections of the website, or else the website would look like many sales to the customer.
  • Tracking whether the upsell products are performing well is quite a daunting task.

Looks like a tedious task? Here's where UpsellMaster comes in! The plugin can solve all these issues with just a click through its unique algorithm.

UpsellMaster Review

UpsellMaster is a premium WordPress plugin that uses its unique data-driven algorithm to calculate suitable products for upselling. The whole process of upselling just happens with a click for each product. The plugin is highly flexible when it comes to customization. Sellers can modify the whole algorithm to optimize upsell strategy for their store. The whole process not just saves hours of manual time a seller would waste in choosing products to upsell, but even the pricing plans of UpsellMaster are highly affordable.

Coming back to product categorization, UpsellMaster defines which product can best upsell with the product chosen in just a click. All the seller needs to do is click on the Calculate all button, and the plugin does the wonder of choosing the product.

Additionally, apart from calculating products to upsell, the plugin automatically displays the products on suitable pages like the product page, checkout page, and purchase receipt page by placing a widget, shortcode, or Gutenberg block. Not just add-ons, sellers can even add recently viewed items for upselling. It's a great strategy many popular Ecommerce stores have been using to remind customers of what products they have liked while they previously used the store.

Yet another amazing part of UpsellMaster is its ability to integrate well with Woocomerce and EDD. It even gives customers a detailed report about how their sales strategy is working. Since the whole algorithm is customizable, you can basically tweak and build up unique upsell strategies for different pages all on your own. Sounds amazing, right? But the review just doesn't end here; check out UpsellMaster features below to explore what more the tool has for you!

UpsellMaster Review - Single Click Calculation

UpsellMaster is popular for its flexible algorithm that calculates the best possible products to serve as upsells. This implies almost every product available in the store.

Even suppliers can define which product should be considered first as upsell, like the product with the highest lifetime sales, same product category or tag, same author, and more. It even lets sellers configure different tasks like the number of upsells (maximum 10), targeted price range, and more. Sellers can even fine-tune and change the settings to test different strategies for their store and thus calculate the upsells.

UpsellMaster Review - Detailed Reports & Tracking

Yet another great feature of UpsellMaster is that it provides sellers with a detailed upsell sales report to analyze whether the used strategy is working or not. It even helps sellers create better sales funnel for future purposes. The best part, the plugin offers a good-to-go sales summary that can be later used to analyze past strategies.

The report is very easy to understand since it comes with a detailed chart and a filter option to filter the results. With the report, a seller can obtain deep insights into the overall sales performance of the store since it calculates a variety of key performance indicators.

To give you a quick insight, the report presented by UpsellMaster will give data about:

So, just after you have got your store's detailed report, it's your responsibility to keep track of best-selling upsells and base products. If any upsell is not performing well or is often neglected by the customer, you can optimize your sales strategy accordingly.

UpsellMaster Review - Recently Viewed Products

As mentioned previously, instead of just showing Upsell products, the plugin even allows sellers to show customers' recently viewed items. This strategy helps customers explore products they have visited and loved previously. If chosen, sellers here get an opportunity to display the product in the form of a list or carousel. The products can be displayed at the same location as the Upsells by utilizing shortcodes and widgets.

Till now, you might have explored that you can nearly upsell everything on your website. And to help with this, UpsellMaster has come with a one-of-a-kind feature that allows sellers to upsell different products in different locations. Yes, you don't have to bombard all the products at just a location and look salesy to your customer.

With UpsellMaster, you can upsell your products at locations like the product page and checkout process page by using upsell widget or Gutenberg. Having mentioned Gutenberg, you might now know that UpsellMaster integrates well with it, but what is so important about Gutenberg? Let's explore below!

UpsellMaster Review - Gutenberg Integration

The Gutenberg editor basically helps sellers add content blocks and page builder-like functionality to each page of the site. Hence, with the Gutenberg Integration, you can place recently viewed products or upsells on any page or post of your site. Placing different products at different locations will basically help you to make different marketing strategies for different pages.

In this way, you can explore different options (what's working well) and optimize the upselling strategy accordingly.

Apart from Gutenberg, UpsellMaster offers some other excellent integrations to ease the overall upselling process. Some of the best ones include Woocommerce and Easy Digital Download (EDD) integration.

UpsellMaster Review - General Setting

UpsellMaster plugin offers sellers an easy and straightforward setting option to simplify the upselling process. There is a general setting option where users can make changes in the number of upsells, recalculation interval (monthly, weekly), batch size, default upsells, auto calculate upsells, and enable or disable log.

UpsellMaster Review - Preferred Upsells

As mentioned previously, not every upsell is going to work best; hence, as a seller, you have to be choosy about products. Even though UpsellMaster calculates the best products to upsell, the sellers even have the opportunity to pick up specific upsells manually as preferred Upsells. Sellers can do this tweaking through the settings page itself.

UpsellMaster Review - Algorithm Logic

The algorithm logic settings option available on the settings page allows sellers to manage the options that have to be excluded. The filters available here are excluded categories, excluded tags, price range (can add minimum and maximum), and multiple options to set up almost four priorities.

UpsellMaster offers three different pricing plans for its users to choose from. There are no free or lifetime pricing plans available too.

UpsellMaster Pricing

Since UpsellMaster doesn't even offer any free trial period, they do compensate for it with a 14 day no question asked money-back guarantee. So, if you are not content with any of the services provided by UpsellMaster, you can contact the customer support service, and they will return your money spent.

The pricing plans of UpsellMaster are as follows:

  • Single Site Licence: $99 per year
  • Three Site Licence: $149 per year
  • Ten Site Licence: $249 per year

All the pricing plans by UpsellMaster are distinguished on the basis of a number of sites. If you want to use UpsellMaster for more than 10 sites, you can contact the customer support team, and they will bring up a customized plan for you. In addition to this, UpsellMaster doesn't even bill its customers monthly; all the plans are priced yearly.

Reasons why your eCommerce store needs the UpsellMaster plugin!

Now that you have explored some of the amazing features of UpsellMaster and its cons, we would like to share some dedicated reasons why you must invest in this plugin.

  • Boost your sales number

Since UpsellMaster specializes best in upselling, with its amazing optimization process, the tool increases the number of products or average order values of your cart. In this way, sellers earn more revenue without any further marketing costs.

  • Saves time

The best part about the UpsellMaster plugin is its 1 click upsells algorithm that calculates the best and unique products to upsell within the store. It basically tailors the suggestions per product based on data, like category, tag, vendors, and more. This is very helpful when you have more than thousands of products in your store and want customers to view only the products they want.

  • Optimization opportunities

The algorithm of UpsellMaster is very flexible. You can tweak it as per your needs. For example, the plugin allows sellers to change their priorities in choosing to upsell products, depending on what they think would suit best the store. They can either display any random product related to that niche or the customer's recently viewed item. The choice is theirs!

  • Simplified tracking

Apart from its just so unique algorithm, UpsellMaster is even popular for the detailed upsell reports it gives to the sellers. This report comes with a piece of calculated information about key performance indicators, usually in the form of charts. It even gives detailed insights into the store's sales performance and what best the seller can do to improve their sales.

Click on this link to activate our exclusive UpsellMaster discount coupon and enjoy 20% off.

✔What is the UpsellMaster plugin?

UpsellMaster is a premium WordPress plugin popular for its data-driven algorithm that helps sellers strategically ace their upselling game. It saves time for the seller by giving them detailed sales reports and even comes with affordable pricing.

✔What can I do with the UpsellMaster plugin?

With the UpsellMaster plugin, you can upsell products more creatively and easily. You can even show recently viewed products to the buyer to give them a better shopping experience.

✔Is UpsellMaster worth buying?

Yes, UpsellMaster is a premium WordPress plugin helping sellers ace their upselling strategy and earn more revenue with minimum marketing efforts. It offers an extensive sales report to sellers to optimize their marketing strategies after frequent intervals to boost their sales performance.

✔Can I use UpsellMaster for free?

Unfortunately, UpsellMaster doesn't offer users any free plan or free trial period. However, they do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee for users who are not satisfied with the plugin.

✔Does UpsellMaster offer any refund policy?

Yes, UpsellMaster does offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

✔Why should I buy UpsellMaster for my WordPress site?

UpsellMaster comes with a different set of features; the best one includes:
1. Offers sales report
2. Allows users to show both upsells and recently viewed items
3. Integrates well with Woocomerce and EDD
4. Flexible algorithm allowing sellers to make changes in their upselling strategy

✔Is UpsellMaster a good plugin?

Yes, UpsellMaster is indeed a good and premium WordPress plugin that allows users to upsell the right products at the right place with just a click.

Building a sales strategy for any Woocommerce WordPress store is quite a tedious task. It's not just the money you will be investing in growing your business, but even your time as well. However, every minute matters, and every sales strategy counts to run any business. For that matter, integrating 1 click upsells will not just save your time but even would pay you handsomely in just a period of time.

Just like every upsell, UpsellMaster even follows the inbound methodology with its smart tracking system. It identifies improvement areas that can provide more value to your customer. It displays relevant products of real interest to the customer on every possible landing page. Thus the conversion rates possibly increase, giving you a better ROI as a seller.

To conclude from our end, we truly believe that the upselling sales strategy is now at its peak. And the UpsellMaster plugin comes with an amazing set of features that is not just easy to understand but does the work very quickly. It's quite like an all-in-one, heroic plugin adding more customers to your shop.

So, what are you waiting for? You have already read this amazing UpsellMaster review, and a solid upsell strategy is now just a click away. Grab it to better convert visitors into active customers!

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