Hundreds and thousands of tools brag as a Semrush alternative, but which one offers the best features and services when compared?

Well, in this article, I'll be mentioning the top 7 alternatives for Semrush that can help you in better website analysis, keyword research and much more. Later in this article, I'll also be clearing out what these alternatives to SEO tools such as Semrush are, making them a good-to-go tool among the top 7 Semrush alternatives.

I guess you might have come across a number of articles and long descriptions bragging that these are the best alternatives and keyword research tools available in the market. Still, hopefully, this article will be the end to the quest of searching for that alternative to Semrush (A SEO tool for you).

But, before diving deeper into these alternatives, let me give you a quick peek around why Semrush has been a top-tier player when it comes to SEO tools. Semrush has been delivering some great features in terms of SEO, advertising, content marketing and much more, and these features get expanded into deeper context, making Semrush a good tool to get along with; but every coin has two sides, the features offered are pretty adequate, but there are some other alternatives available in the market that offer additional features in website & app analysis making them a good-to-go option.

So, let's get started with these top 7 Semrush similar tools and understand what features do they deliver:

Our Top 3 Recommended Semrush Alternatives

Best Semrush Alternatives

The first one on my list is Similarweb, my personal favorite. I have been using these tools for quite some time; even after trying to be neutral towards all the SEO tools, Similarweb has made its way around the top. So let's take a deeper dive into what makes Similarweb a good-to-go option for digital marketers and website owners. I'll be getting along with what makes Similarweb a good alternative for Semrush.

Similarweb offers 3 different sections, Workspace, Research and Dashboard; these three tabs are further expanded into other tools helpful for website and app analysis.

Firstly, let's get started with the Workspace tab. If you dig a bit deeper into the Workspace section, Similar web uses a three-step strategy to make your website compare better in terms of website analysis. As a quick brief, you can get along with a better overview of the website ( own & competitors) by creating an arena, and you can input the web address and compare your website with other similar websites/competitors. This arena creation enables you to get alongside different metrics such as domain, traffic share, pages per visit, duration of page visit and bounce rate.

The second tab includes Research, which is far most the favorite part; yeah, you might be wondering what with this favorite part? Well, you'll be getting that in the next few lines. Similarweb's research tab enables you to explore different sections such as Website analysis, Search keyword analysis, App analysis, and much more. Well, as per my experience around different tools, the features offered by Similarweb were a bit more expanded to some extent.

If talking about the research part, the features and tools offered by Similarweb are as follow:

Website Analysis: This feature lets you explore parts such as engagement, website visits, traffic sources, global rank, category rank, and much more.

App Analysis (not found in most of the SEO tools): If you are someone who has an app alongside your website, this tool is going to be a great asset; on my quest to search for amazing SEO tools, app analysis was something which was missing in most of the tools I found (so far claimed to be best).

Funnel Analysis: This feature/tab can be recalled under the sales perspective, giving an overview along with conversion metrics and similar information as well.

Web Category Analysis: The category analysis enables you to get alongside the top players (websites) working under that category. Similarweb shows around the top 100 websites (10000 domains if expanded) while including data such as traffic share, rank, monthly visits, unique visits, referral sources and much more.

App Category Analysis: Like web category analysis, the app category analysis serves the same but is app-specific. The app category analysis lets you explore different apps performing under the app store and google play store.

Website Segment Analysis: This feature can be a great asset while collectively analyzing many web pages present on the website (collective analysis). This feature might not be available in the trial period.

Search Keyword Analysis: I guess you might be well aware of the term search keyword analysis, but just to be clear about it, this feature enables you to get along with better in-depth research targeting both paid and organic keywords. This feature can also help you with better keyword ranking and everything. You can consider this as a similar feature to the keyword magic tool available in Semrush.

Google Play Analysis: As mentioned above, the app analysis is one of the standalone features that has made Similarweb top among my favorite list; the google play analysis gives you an overview while optimizing the similar details for an app in the google play store. (This feature might not be available during the trial period)

Basically, the research tab includes all the features and tools that might be needed for an in-depth website and app analysis. These features and tools can be considered among some of the key factors in making Similarweb a powerful SEO tool overall. These SEO metrics can later help in coming up with better SEO strategies.

Now comes the final part, the Dashboard section, basically dashboard section enables you to get alongside different templates such as Website audience analysis, SEO monitoring, Paid Search performance, etc. (All these templates can be useful in getting an overview along a segment easily and quickly)

In addition to all the features I have mentioned above, Similarweb also features some data-specific operations in their ecosystem; you might be well aware of the fact that data reliability is one of the strong factors in almost every aspect. Similarweb sources its data from 4 different sources, making it a good choice in terms of data, and these 4 data sources are as follow:

  • Direct data: The direct data refers to the willful people who are up and sharing their data; this data is considered as direct or first-party data, making it a reliable source of data.
  • Public Data: The public data used here are collected from the in-house indexing engine, making it another essential data reliability and usage segment.
  • Contributory Data: Data extracted from this segment is extracted from anonymous data sources, which makes it lack the PII (Personal Identifiable Information).
  • External Data: This data is extracted/sourced from different partners that share their data; Similarweb uses the data from sources having an extensive customer base.


I guess you might have come across the name Ahrefs, well it is counted among some of the Semrush similar tools, as the features and in-depth analysis make it a strong contender among other SEO tools. One of my favorite things about Ahrefs is its easy-to-use interface; you can easily get along with it, but remember everything comes with a price; you might have to pay with additional yet crucial data when compared to other premium tools such as Similarweb.

You might be wondering what has made Ahrefs in the 2nd position in this list well, and the reason is its combined and well-structured features and interface. Ahrefs gives you access to some of the advanced features such as:

  • Site Explorer:

This feature enables you to get an overview of all the data that might be needed in terms of website analysis. This section lets you explore an in-depth backlink analysis of a website; in addition to all this, Ahrefs also gives you access to get alongside parameters such as domain (both with and without subdomains), URL, and the Prefix.

  • Keyword Explorer:

If you have used Semrush or other similar tools, you might be well versed with keyword research and optimization; this feature is named Keyword explorer in Ahrefs, the keyword explorer enables you to explore keywords over different platforms and search engines such as Google, YouTube, Amazon, Bing, Yahoo and many more (mostly used search engines). In addition to that, you can explore these keywords over filters such as country/language and download a CSV or TXT file of these keywords.

  • Content Explorer:

Content explorer lets you explore different phrases or keywords while getting along with useful SEO and Social metrics. Meanwhile, you can also filter your search in content explorer, specifically targeting for title, content or URL.

  • Domain Comparison:

This feature can be termed as a similar function to comparing different domains, just like the Workspace tab available in Similarweb. The domain comparison in Ahrefs lets you compare upto 5 websites at the same time, resulting in referring domains, backlinks, backlink profiles (types), IP and a graph of changes that occurred in those websites/domains under a specific time period.

In addition to that, you can also explore features such as site audit and other basic features offered in SEO tools.

Google Search

Well, you can also go for an option that is free to use, Google/ Google Keyword Planner. Google actually offers some free SEO tools that can be used for website analysis and metrics, and you might have heard about Google analytic; the metrics offered by Google Analytics has been a game-changer to many, I remember while getting along with website analysis in my starting phase in digital marketing, well Google analytics has helped me a lot in a number of ways.

In addition to that, you can also explore other tools offered by Google, such as Google keyword planner and Google trends (use trends to get along with better marketing strategies). Since these tools are free to use (not all of them), the major downfall that you might encounter is switching along with different tools; well, if you are someone who is looking for an option that is easy to get along with, well, google searches and trends might not be recommended among one of them.

Using different tools might require more extensive and time-consuming Research, making it not a very good choice in my perspective.

SE Ranking

I have been observing SE Ranking for the past few years, and the growth they have shown is really appreciable; in addition to that, they have made their way to the 4th position in Semrush alternatives by me. (Jokes aside, showed appreciable growth).

With only 300,000+ users, SE ranking has been delivering great results in terms of website analysis; SE ranking is an all in one platform to perform different operations in Keywords, Backlinks, Competitive Analysis, Search Volume Checker, etc.; if we dig a bit deeper, you can get alongside different things such as Keyword rankings, Keyword research, Keyword metrics, On-page Seo checker, etc. All these features and tools can be used for better website analysis.
While comparing to other SEO and Web analysis tools, one major factor that grabbed my attention was its extensive database for keywords ( around 2 billion keywords).

  • Keyword Rank Tracker

This is a quite basic but very important feature, and the keyword tracker enables you to get along with traffic position, volume, search visibility, average position and much more. In addition to all these features, you can get along with a better overview of that keyword with a graph (changeable filter with top 1, going all the way up to top 100), which can be used for keyword rankings as well.

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  • Evaluate Your Backlinks

SE Ranking offers some great features in terms of backlinks; Backlink monitor and Backlink Checker. In addition to all these features, you can evaluate your backlinks with 15 different variables, and these variables include Moz Domain authority, Google Index status, etc.

  • Content Strategy

You can access different keywords (organic and PPC) through SE Ranking, which can later be used for making better marketing and content strategy. In addition to that, you can also use Keyword grouper so that using those keywords won't be an issue by any means.

Growth Bar

The position of the 5th Semrush alternative goes to GrowthBar, well as the name sounds, their motive and mission to deliver the best possible to their users, these tools and features offered by GrowthBar pretty basic while compared to other SEO tools, but one of the major factors that have made GrowthBar getting listed among these tools is its user interface, simple and everything available over a single screen.

Another key factor that has made GrowthBar a popular choice among website owners and digital marketers is its affordable pricing; from my perspective, the starting plans are pretty affordable meanwhile limited to core features. With the GrowthBar, you can get along with features like:

  • AI Content Writer:

If we dig a bit deeper, the GrowthBar might be considered as an SEO tool but more working more specifically than the content tools. Like I have mentioned GrowthBar is basically more focused on the content part; it enables you to get along with a content outline keyword research while performing keyword research over a billion keywords.

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  • Keyword Research & Backlinks:

I guess I don't need to mention the keyword research as it is pretty similar in almost every SEO tool (a bit different in Similarweb & Semrush). The backlinks part enables you to get along with websites domain authority, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, organic keywords and more. This keyword research tool can also be helpful in keyword rankings and volume research.


I guess the name itself reflects the deals and services needed to get your website better in terms of website analysis. Serpstat has made a pretty good name in the market; the easy-to-use interface and in-depth keyword research can be considered as one of the major factors in making a great option to go with.

Even after considering all the features and tools offered by Serpstat, some of the drawbacks that I encountered was its backlink monitoring, Serpstat does not offer any backlink monitoring, in addition to that another major drawback that should be mentioned is social media tracking, well the professional ones had already fired it out when I mentioned about no backlink monitoring, not having an overview from the social media point of view can be a major drawback in itself.

  • No more Keyword stuffing

To be honest, you might have somehow made your way around this lane; well, many of us have; I remember when I was into keyword stuffing without even knowing the workflow, right? Well, Serpstat has made pretty much a good way for stuffing, which as a result, helps you in better results and optimization.

  • Batch Analysis

The Batch Analysis can be considered as one of the features that grabbed my attention; you might remember from the Similarweb part that analyzing different web pages on the go can be a time saver in many ways (like saving time for making better marketing and content strategies).

KW Finder

The last one on our list is KWFinder, an easy-to-use Semrush alternative to make your keyword research and analysis easier and simple to some extent. Suppose you are not aware of KWFinder, its alright.

Actually, KWFinder is a part/tool in Mangools, where Mangools offers data and metrics such as SERP Analysis, Rank Tracking, Keyword research and much more; whereas KWFinder helps in understanding Keyword research and analyzing websites with the help of domain search, KWFinder offers two different ways in order to get along with your Research which is Search by Keyword and Search by Domain.

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As a result, you can get alongside different metrics such as position, search volume, keyword difficulty, PPC and EV (Estimated visits per month).

Easy to Use Interface with Graphs

As a digital marketer or a website owner, having an overview on the go is one of the features that make any tool a great tool to get alongside. You might see that the graph enables you to explore terms such as Keyword difficulty and search volume (monthly searches and trends). These few metrics being available in a simplified manner can help save time and effort while getting stuck too long tables and stats.

✔What is

Semrush is the leading SEO tool that helps professionals get measurable results. With 50+ tools and reports, Semrush gives you all the data you need – from organic research to backlink analysis, keyword tracking, and social media monitoring. 

✔What is Semrush used for?

Semrush offer the best suite of tools if you are looking to increase your web traffic and rankings. It is an all-in-one tool suite perfect for online visibility and discovering marketing insights for your business. It has everything you need for SEO, content marketing, competitor research, social media marketing, PPC, and more.

✔How long is the Semrush trial?

Semrush allows its new user to create a free account that helps them to test all features. If you start with Semrush Pro or Guru plan, you will get 7 days free trial.

✔How much does Semrush cost?

Apart from the free trial, Semrush offers the following three major pricing plans. Also, if you are looking to start with an annual plan, grab our special Semrush coupon code that allows you to enjoy a flat 17% discount.
Pro: $119.95/mo
Guru: $229.95/mo
Business: $449.95/mo

✔How to cancel the Semrush account?

Semrush allows you to cancel your subscription or upgrade your subscription plan at any time.

✔What are the other best alternatives to Semrush?

If you are looking for the cheapest Semrush alternatives, then check the following list:
SE Ranking

Well, the answer to this question lies within your digital marketing needs, if you are someone who is only focused on searching those profitable keywords for your business, maybe a keyword finder and a few other tools with fewer features can be counted among your list of suitable SEO tools, but if you are more specific towards website domain overview with keyword optimization (both paid and organic), maybe going tools like Similarweb, Ahrefs can be a better path to get on.

If talking about the features and tools offered by each one of them, my personal favorite was Similarweb, one of the main reasons to make it my favorite one is the app analysis, where most of the SEO tools focused primarily on web analysis, Similarweb also focused on the app side of the game, the google play store and app store analysis can be a great feature for many businesses that also have an app to deliver to their customers.

Some common features delivered by most of the SEO tools mentioned above:

Pricing Plans of these Semrush alternatives:

Talking about the pricing plans, most of them deliver a different set of plans, including the features they offer; the tools and services are pretty proportional to the basic and advanced features that these SEO tools deliver. In order to give a better overview of the pricing plans offered by these Semrush alternatives, the table mentioned below.

SEMrush AlternativesStarting PriceFree TrialOfficial Link
Similarweb$249/monthYesVisit Now
Ahrefs$99/monthYesVisit Now
SE Ranking$71.17/monthYesVisit Now
Mangools/KWFinder$30/monthYesVisit Now
Serpstat$69 to $499/monthYesVisit Now
Growth Bar $49 to $199/monthYesVisit Now
Google SearchStart freeYesVisit Now

Click here if you want to start Semrush's 7 days free trial.

Well, all the pricing that I have mentioned here may have changed and may vary depending on the features you opt for and your needs. Almost every tool mentioned above offers different plans (basic plan/standard/advanced plan and so on)

Hopefully, this article has cleared up most of the questions you might have regarding these Semrush alternatives. I have tried my best to clear your doubts regarding these SEO tools and their features. Most of the features that make these tools a standalone product are mentioned here in this article.🙂

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