Targeting the audience and grabbing the best product could have been the most stressful thing within the Amazon business. But this whole process was made super easy, by Helium 10 for the Amazon sellers.

And now that the business management tool can be used for Walmart, the same product research tool has become an exceptionally important one to have beside you for either Walmart's business or your Amazon business.

To have a bigger picture of Helium 10 and its business with Amazon as well as Walmart, we had a chance to Interview with Bradley Sutton, Director of Training and Chief Evangelist at Helium 10.

Before we start with the interview know that Bradley is super confident about his work and has a motto of his own “Crushing It!”

This might have worked as a great motivator for you, so let's begin with what he has to share with us and with our dearest Amazon sellers.

Get to know what goes inside the mind of a master machine that brought up the revolution in the Amazon selling industry.  

Interview with Bradley Sutton

Check out our Interview with Bradley SuttonDirector of Training and Chief Evangelist at Helium 10

1. Amazon vs Walmart what would you say is the best for sellers?

For me to start out Amazon is maybe 49 times out of 50 going to be better, or maybe 19 times out of 20. There are more customers shopping on Amazon, more Prime members, and more traffic, and you're going to sell more.

In the last few years, for the first time, I'm seeing more and more products actually sell more on Walmart than Amazon. Again, maybe it's one out of 30, but Walmart is definitely catching up as far as sales go, but it's still far away from Amazon.

2.  From being just an Amazon seller tool, Helium 10 now even supports Walmart. Do you have any other marketplace in mind that you wish to include on Helium 10 in the coming future?

We are always aiming to expand on Amazon and Walmart. In the last few years, we've added Amazon Australia, Amazon Japan, and the Netherlands.

Our customers ask about how we decide which marketplaces we enter. It’s simple, really. We listen to our customer demands. Who knows what’s next? Etsy? eBay? Whatever our customers want, we'll make it happen.

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3. What must you say to the overseas sellers who wish to join the Walmart business?

It's gotten a lot easier to sell on Walmart today. If you were an outsider in the US a few years ago, pretty much you had zero chance to sell at Walmart, US. But now they're making it easier because they do want to invite more foreign sellers as well.

4. What sort of URLs do you think are the best: Canonical URLs, Add To Cart URLs, Frequently Brought Together URLs, or 2-Step Brand URLs?

If we are talking about Walmart, two-step URLs that are based on the brand or seller are best. Those are not against Walmart's terms of service and rank well.

With Amazon, if you are trying to influence ranking, 100% of URLs are banned by Amazon. Canonical URLs are good to optimize your own listings because the keywords that are in the canonical URL of organic sales will give you what we call- rank juice!

For example, ‘Add to cart’ URLs are not used for ranking, so they're good. If you have a promotion and you want to just make it easy for a customer to purchase your product, just send an email with that ‘add to cart’ link. It will add the product to their card and all they must do is check out!

5. Please explain the importance of CPR and Cerebro. This question is mainly for the Amazon sellers.

The importance of CPR is that it tells you how many customers you need to search for a certain keyword to find your product and buy it within an eight-day period. It’s all about getting onto page one. You can track this either organically or through Sponsored Ads. You can track each day or how many people are clicking on your targeted search term and buying your product.

I talk about that strategy in the Maldives Honeymoon strategy episode. Check out Episode 400 of my Serious Sellers Podcast.

6. What is Amazon Posts, and how is it different from Amazon Spark?

Amazon Posts is a way for sellers to grow their brand following and allows sellers to post lifestyle images for their product that gets views outside of just the product detail page. A lot are linked to product detail pages. The beauty about Posts is if you start growing your following, Amazon will actually allow you to market to them as well for a deep dive into Posts.

Learn about some cool case studies about Amazon Post on Episode 444 of our Serious Sellers Podcast.

Amazon Spark is something that was discontinued by Amazon. There's something brand new that they've been testing called, “Amazon Inspire,” that’s like social media for Amazon. We’ll see. Everybody loves social media these days. TikTok changed the game. We talk more about this on Episode 444 of our Serious Sellers Podcast with my expert guest.

7. Are Amazon Posts really helpful in growing business and spreading the word on social media?

I wouldn't say Amazon Posts is a game changer, but it's helpful with growing your own audience. Amazon didn’t really allow you to communicate with your customers before. You're not allowed to communicate with them or do anything other than ask for a review.

8. From Xray, Cerebro, Market Tracker, to others, what tools do you think are best to track the competitors?

I think it's important to use Market Tracker. If you're a newer seller (less than 1M or 2M), it's important to understand your share of voice. How big is your niche that you're selling in? How big is the pie? What kind of sales are being generated? Then figure out what is your piece of the pie, percentage-wise, and track how that percentage goes up or down. It’s super important to compare yourself to competitors.

Cerebro helps you understand where your sales come from and your competitors’. For example, tracking your competitors through Cerebro once a month, being able to check what keywords my competitors are ranking for in the top 10, or if they’re advertising on page one.

Of course, if you just want to see the kind of sales your competitors are making you can go to any of their pages and run it through X-ray. Then if you want more daily keyword tracking, use Keyword Tracker to tell you.

The best part is all of the data from these tools are now easily accessible and digestible on our new Insights Dashboard. Customers can log in and see if competitors are up or down, receive insights and custom alerts. If you're a 5M- 10M or above, you probably need Market Tracker 360. It's our advanced analytics tool that just takes it to a whole other level as far as category and subcategory tracking goes.

9. How important it is to have Cerebro by your side for your growing business?

No matter what stage of business you’re in, you need Cerebro. It's my go-to tool. I use it for all the accounts that I manage on Amazon and Walmart. Understanding where your competitors are ranking and with what keywords is an invaluable tool.

11. If a seller is out of ideas for his business, do you have a tool that will guide him through the whole process?

If you're looking for new products and out of ideas, try expanding your brand. But using Black Box is good for finding products. After your input your product information, you might find some random products that are trending or products that you didn't even know were a thing! Black Box for keywords allows you to search for longer tail keywords that are in your brand niche.

Also read 👉 Helium 10 Black Box Review: Is It The Best Product Research Tool?

12. Writing AI is taking over the whole industry, and it is said that Chat GPT can help a person save his Amazon FBA business. What do you think of it?

ChatGPT is not going to be a lifesaver for your business. That's just the bottom line. But does it make the automating process easier? Absolutely. Helium 10 has integrated ChatGPT and AI into different tools. Our Listing Builder tool helps write listings for you based on keywords and other product descriptions. You can write a listing from scratch within just a couple of minutes with ChatGPT.

13. A word you would like to share with the readers about Afftweaks?

I think Affiliate Marketing is very important regardless of the marketplace. Most sellers don't think about affiliates. They think Affiliate Marketing is only for people with courses or things like that. I actually think all e-commerce sellers should be interested in how to integrate Affiliate Marketing into their game plan.

Those were the thoughts of Bradley Sutton.

We at Afftweaks appreciate the efforts and hard work done by the CEO of Helium 10 as well as the crew of this brilliant Amazon business tool. Afftweaks shares this whole interview with you, with a trust on Helium 10 that they will definitely help you grow your Amazon business, and hence we suggest you use it for all your product-related queries on Amazon.  

You can opt for a starter plan of Helium 10, which will get you an idea of how does the Amazon tool works exactly. To get an instant 20% discount for 6 months, you can use our discount code “BLOGE6M20.”

We wish you an Amazon selling!

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