A robust Amazon Tool can make your Amazon Selling Business successful or make it go hell down the wire! And we are here with our AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout ultimate comparison so that you can choose the best one. Both of these tools offer you a similar set of features, but which one is better? Let's find out. 

Jungle Scout and AmazeOwl are both reliable Amazon seller tools, and they have plenty in common to offer, but it all comes down to execution and how users find and prefer them.

And to help you figure out the best among them, we have made an in-depth comparison in this article. We have compared them on various parameters like overview, differences, features, data accuracy, affordability, ease of use and much more.

AmazeOwl vs. Jungle Scout

Read on this AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout ultimate comparison, breakdown service's features, along with the pros and cons of each. AmazeOwl and Jungle Scout are web-based platforms that allow you to search for products, conduct market research, and launch your product on Amazon.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Key Differences Upfront 

  • AmazeOwl is best suited for Sellers who are just beginning their Amazon selling journey, whereas Jungle Scout is a tool that offers a one-stop suite of tools for Amazon sellers.
  • AmazeOwl also offers desktop apps and browser extensions. Whereas Jungle Scout also is a web-based tool and also has a browser extension. In fact, Jungle Scout also has a mobile application. 
  • Jungle Scout has an easy-to-use/understandable interface, whereas AmazeOwl has a slightly complicated interface for beginners.
  • AmazeOwl doesn't have any extra features other than the product or keyword tools, whereas Jungle Scout has product listing and product sourcing.
  • AmazeOwl offers a free plan, whereas Jung Scout doesn't!
  • Compared with AmazeOwl, Jungle Scout offers more tools, but its cheapest plan is more expensive than AmazeOwl's most expensive plan.
  • AmazeOwl pricing plans are cheaper in comparison to Jungle Scout, but Jungle Scout also offers more features and product research tools.
  • The customer support offered by AmazeOwl is not that great, whereas Jungle Scout offers excellent customer support. Also, Jungle Scout customer support is more reliable and responsive no matter what kind of problem you encounter.

What is AmazeOwl? – Honest AmazeOwl Review

AmazeOwl vs. Jungle Scout

AmazeOwl is an Amazon Selling and Product research tool which is designed for Amazon Sellers to help them boost their revenue. Even beginners in Amazon selling can use the features offered by AmazeOwl and get along with and increase their sales with the features provided by AmazeOwl.

AmazeOwl offers precise information about what Sellers require to boost their sales by finding winning products. It estimates sales more accurately than other tools by which sellers can make informed decisions.

AmazeOwl is a tool for building and running their own FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) business. Users can search through millions of product ideas and effectively launch their business with access to their Amazon product database. AmazeOwl assists FBA firms in the following ways:

  • Identifying Potential AmazeOwl's Amazon database includes over 600 million goods and 11 marketplaces.
  • The product database is updated daily, ensuring that you always have access to the most recent product ideas.
  • AmazeOwl identifies products with great potential and describes the opportunity for you. By simply skimming through you'll, you'll be able to locate pretty things.

Key Features of AmazeOwl

AmazeOwl offers a few basic features for Amazon sellers, especially for beginners. Though it does not have that much of features offered by Jungle Scout, still, you can use it to get started with Amazon selling. Here are a few of the features offered by it.

1. Product Database

AmazeOwl has a product database of over 600+ million products. Now that's huge and is enough to find winning products. With such an enormous database, you can formulate your strategy accordingly and stay ahead in the race. It offers you complete information about products, and you can then find high-potential products using AmazeOwl's services.

2. Track Niches

Using AmazeOwl, Sellers can track up to 300 niches at the same time. They can start tracking a niche in terms of keywords and buying patterns of the consumers. Plus, they can also get track changes in pricing, images, title, ranking and other daily changes. It will offer notifications about the changes by which sellers can never miss anything.

3. Access to Various Marketplaces

With AmazeOwl, sellers get access to 11 marketplaces by which they can keep an eye on their competitors and product manufacturers that are selling the same product. Plus, they can also track the competitors who are closing in by which they can make necessary changes to stay ahead in the competition. 

4. Keyword Monitoring 

AmazeOwl can let you add 3 to 50 keywords per niche. And then, you can find the keyword monitoring section, which is right at the bottom of every product listing. While you monitor them, you can also check out the changes in real time. But it would only help you to drive a few buyers to your product, as in the case of Jungle Scout.

5. Quick Updates 

With AmazeOwl, you can get quick updates on the product database and BSR-rated Products on a daily basis. Plus, you can also see the changes in real time and find top keywords and products and increase your sales.

6. AmazeOwl Tutorials

AmazeOwl offers beginners-guide and tutorials by which beginners can learn more about Amazon selling. These Tutorials are beneficial for learning AmazeOwl's potential and also helping them learn more about Amazon selling. It has six video tutorials that will help sellers get more traffic and customers through the advanced set of features.

What is Jungle Scout? – Honest Jungle Scout Review

AmazeOwl vs. Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout can be termed as a one-stop solution for Sellers as it helps in starting, managing, and growing Amazon selling business. Its more of a one-stop suite of tools to let you find profitable products to create a listing and sourcing suppliers.

This Amazon research tool helps sellers to find winning products, estimate sales, keyword research along with spying on competitors – all from a single easy-to-use dashboard. It will instantly deliver you what products will be the most profitable ones by which you can easily grow your business.

Greg Mercer founded Jungle Scout in 2014, and since then, it has become the top choice of Amazon sellers. Using Jungle Scout, you don't have to spend hours doing that manual work, but you can rely on it to provide you with the best winning products.

Jungle Scout takes key metrics of Amazon into account and provides information like Seller Rank, Number of Reviews, and various other factors to deliver you the estimated sales number and also rank the opportunity of any given niche Amazon sellers might be looking into.

👉 Also read: Jungle Scout Review + Discount Coupon

Key Features of Jungle Scout

1. Niche Hunter

The Jungle Scout Niche Hunter is something that lets you identify the profitable niches, ideas, products and keywords depending on parameters like:

  • Product Category
  • Listing Quality Score 
  • Competition
  • Opportunity Score
  • Average Price

Sellers can set the parameters, and Jungle Scout will list cool niches and keyword ideas to explore. And from there, you can further dive deep into the data to get information about the most popular products in each niche.

2. Product Tracker

With this feature of Jungle Scout, you can see the product's entire sales history as the feature will instantly provide you information on key metrics like average price, weight, search volume, rating, sales trends and more. It will provide you with a complete view of the product's history and judge its potential to be the next big thing.

3. Product Database

When you compare Jungle Scout's Product Database with AmazeOwl, well, its more than eleven times!

Jungle Scout's Product Database contains over 70 Million products. Plus, it also offers preset filters by which you can get specific products and inspiration. The filters let you choose the most common criteria like High-demand/Low-demand and much more. The Jungle Scout Product Database is something very critical no matter at what stage you are in your Amazon FBA journey.

4. Keyword Scout

Amazon Keyword research is a vital aspect of your Amazon selling business. And with this feature of Jungle Scout, you can get the correct keywords that are relevant to your niche that real Amazon shoppers are searching for. 

With the Keyword Scout feature of Jungle Scout, you can:

  • Understand the relevancy of keywords
  • Estimate a budget and save money on PPC campaigns 
  • Rank Products quicker for tough keywords 
  • Demand for keywords, including Sales Revenue, Number of sales and other KPIs for selling on Amazon. 

5. Relevancy Score

This score will show you how relevant a term is to your original search. This feature is super useful for beginners by which they can catch a synonym, a slang term or some random jargon from time to time by which they can beef up listing and work on the listing quality score.

6. Ease of Ranking and Keyword Difficulty

It is a score in the range of 1-100 and shows you how difficult it is to rank for a term. So before choosing any keyword, this score can tell you how difficult it is to rank on it.

7. Inventory Manager

This feature of Jungle Scout is extremely valuable, one by which you can identify when you need to purchase more inventory and meet the demand for your products. It is important for you as an Amazon FBA business to ensure that you only end up with what you need and also don't let a stock-out kind of situation happen.

8. Jungle Scout Extension 

The Jungle Scout Chrome Extension is a Free web browser extension which is for your web browser by installing our extension for either Chrome or Firefox. It is beneficial for Sellers to evaluate new opportunities, forecast product sales, and request reviews.

👉 Also read: Jungle Scout Chrome Extension: Is It Worth the Hype?

9. Academy & Customer Support

Apart from these features, Jungle Scout also provides access to training from 8-figure sellers through the Jungle Scout academy and 24/7 customer support. It provides loads of tutorials, blogs, case studies and other helpful information by which Sellers can learn and grow their business.

10. Ease of Conducting Product Research

With Jungle Scout's addon, you can quickly learn how well a specific product niche sells on You'll. You'll be able to observe a plethora of vital data elements at a glance, including profit estimates and Google trend analysis. The data is updated in real-time, allowing you to make educated selections regarding which things to offer.

11. Designed by Sellers, for Sellers

Vendors created Jungle Scout, intending to sell to other sellers in mind. Its main objective is to assist businesses in meeting their sales targets. Amazon data is collected and analyzed by Jungle Scout, which collects and analyses billions of data points. Its users will profit from this highly accurate data pool.

A skilled team of customer care specialists is always on hand to assist you at every stage of your seller journey.

12. Access to a Wide Range of Resources

To ensure you have everything you need to succeed, all Jungle Scout educational resources are free. Some of the free materials provided to Jungle Scout members include a beginner guide, webinars, one of the top Amazon FBA podcasts, and a blog.

Breakdown of AmazeOwl

The majority of AmazeOwl customers have no prior experience but go on to establish their web enterprises. AmazeOwl consumers can expect the following from this service:

  • View product rankings based on the easy 5-star system to compare the potential of items. Access millions of product ideas across 11 marketplaces on the Amazon database, which is updated daily.
  • Access information that can assist you in understanding your market and where your product fits within it.
  • Be notified of new competitors.
  • Track the impact of competitors' daily adjustments using keyword monitoring.

Breakdown of Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout has the skills to help you no matter where you are in your selling journey. When you start utilizing this service, you can expect to receive the following:

  • Search a product database using a variety of helpful filters (keyword, category, etc.)
  • The product tracker displays daily sales and other data for any product, whether you are interested in or sold by a competitor.
  • Based on your parameters, the supplier database will present you with credible vendors. View their most popular customers and items.
  • Keyword scout shows you what Amazon shoppers are looking for.
  • You can keep track of your finances with the sales analytics tool. It keeps track of your sales, expenses, and overall performance over time.
  • You can quickly track what you have in stock and what you need to order with the Inventory Manager function.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Which One Offers Greater Data Accuracy?

For Amazon sellers, it is essential to choose a selling tool that is highly accurate and provides accurate data; after all, huge money is at stake! So let's compare the accuracy of both tools.

AmazeOwl Accuracy

In a case study put forth by Jungle Scout, the accuracy of AmazeOwl was just about 61.2%. So, in that case, its data reliability is much lower compared to Jungle Scout, and also the margin of error is greater. 

Jungle Scout Accuracy

Jungle Scout Accuracy

Initially, Jungle Scout began its journey as a product research tool, so it invested hugely on a lot in data and statistics. And since then, it has developed a reputation for data aggregation and analysis among all the competing Amazon seller tools.

Jungle Scout has an accuracy of 84.1%, which also makes it the most reliable Amazon seller tool in the market. In a way, you can assume that 84% chances are that the data provided by Jungle Scout on sales estimation is right, making it a highly reliable tool.

Winner: Obviously, Jungle Scout! It is an outright winner in this aspect of data accuracy, making it also a safer choice for sellers as they can rely on the statistics provided to buy it.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Feature Comparison 

It all comes down to the features offered by AmazeOwl and Jungle Scout. The following table will help you to make a better assessment of the features offered by both of them.

FeaturesAmazeOwlJungle Scout
Amazon Product ReserachYesYes
Product TrackingYesYes
Keyword Research ToolYesYes
Keyword Rank TrackerYesYes
Profit & Sales TrackingYesYes
Data AccuracyNoYes
On-Demand Video GuideNoYes
Request Review In One ClickNoYes
Step By Step Case StudyNoYes
Global Suppliers DatabaseNoYes
Opportunity ScoreNoYes
Inventory ManagerNoYes
Opportunity FinderNoYes
8 Figure Amazon Seller FounderNoYes
20+ Customer Support RepsNoYes
Freelancer MarketplaceNoYes
Product Launch ServiceNoYes
Unlimited Email Follow up CampaignsNoYes

Winner: As you can see, Jungle Scout offers you a plethora of features that can boost your Amazon selling business, making it a one-stop solution for Amazon sellers.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Ease of Use & Interface

Sellers prefer easy-to-use tools which have an intuitive interface. As both Jungle Scout and AmazeOWL come with some similar features, let's now compare the ease of use and how their user interface.

AmazeOwl Ease of Use & Interface

For comparison, let's take the AmazeOwl Product Database into account.

The Product Database of AmazeOwl is entirely different from Jungle Scout. It has an interface that is just fine, and you get to choose from different categories, add filters, etc. And once you click on any particular product, you can get information about it quickly.

Though the Filters in AmazeOwl are a bit nested, the Jungle Scout Product Database is something that has an easy-to-use and intuitive interface which makes it more user-friendly.

Jungle Scout Ease of Use & Interface

In the Jungle Scout's Product Database, sellers can easily apply a variety of filters to check out potential products within specific categories like price, review count, rank, fulfillment method, and more. As Sellers hit “Search,” the Jungle Scout Product Database will provide thousands of results, displaying all the key metrics like price, Amazon Fees, Reviews, and rank. Also, Sellers can view up to 100 results on one page from an at-a-glance overview of products in a given category.

Sellers can also send product ideas from the Product Database to the Product Tracker and monitor monthly sales and prices over time. Plus, they can also view a product's seasonal sales trends and can stay informed about whether to invest in it or not.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Which One is Affordable? 

In this section, we shall now compare the pricing plans of AmazeOwl and Jungle Scout.

Honestly, AmazeOwl is affordable compared to Jungle Scout. But you need to understand that Jungle Scout is a one-stop solution for selling on Amazon, whereas AmazOwl only allows you to do product research and find products to sell on Amazon.

So let's compare the pricing plans of both.

AmazeOwl Pricing Plans

AmazeOwl Pricing Plans

AmazeOwl offers three affordable pricing plans, out of which one is a FREE PLAN. Let's check out what these pricing plans have to offer. 

AmazeOwl Starter Plan – $0/month

This plan is best suited for people who are curious about starting an Amazon FBA business. This is a free plan from AmazeOwl, and you get the following:

  • Tracked Niches – 1 
  • Keywords Monitoring – 3 
  • Auto-updates – 1000 niches
  • Product Database – N/A
  • Keyword Research – Top 2 Keywords
  • AmazeOwl Academy – N/A 
  • Loading Speed – Slow
  • Customer Support – N/A 

AmazeOwl Growth Plan – $19.99/month

  • Tracked Niches – 10
  • Keywords Monitoring – 10
  • Auto-updates – 1000 niches
  • Product Database – 50 products/month
  • Keyword Research – Top 10 Keywords
  • AmazeOwl Academy – 10% Discount
  • Loading Speed – Fast 
  • Customer Support – Regular 

AmazeOwl Established Plan – $29.95/month

  • Tracked Niches – 300
  • Keywords Monitoring – 50
  • Auto-updates – 1000 niches
  • Product Database – 200 products/month
  • Keyword Research – Top 100 Keywords
  • AmazeOwl Academy – 30% Discount
  • Loading Speed – Very Fast 
  • Customer Support – High Priority

Jungle Scout Pricing Plans

Jungle Scout does not offer a free plan, but it does offer a 7-day money back guarantee, which is great for the sellers to check out this incredible selling tool. Then you have the three pricing plans of Jungle Scout. 

Pricing$49 per month or $349 per year$69 per month or $589 per year$129 per month or $999 per year
Number of Seats Included116
Additional Seat Cost$49$49
Product Tracker20 Products150 Products1000 Products
Browser ExtensionYesYesYes
Opportunity ScoreYesYesYes
Amazon Sales Estimator500 Estimates/mo1000 Estimates/mo1500 Estimates/mo
AccuSales™ EstimatesYesYesYes
Historical keyword data1 Month1 Year2 Years
Opportunity Finder
Product Database
Keyword Scout
Supplier Database
Three searches per dayUnlimited SearchesUnlimited Searches
Historical product tracking data1 Month3 Month6 Months
Manual Review Requests
Review Automation
Review Automation:
Delayed Send
Review Automation:
Advertising AnalyticsNoYesYes
Sales AnalyticsYesYesYes
Listing Builder
Inventory Manager
Supplier Tracker
Listing Grader100/mo200/mo500/mo
Academy Training
Customer Support
Priority OnboardingNoNoYes

Winner: Jungle Scout is expensive compared to AmazeOwl, but it is worth the price because it offers tons of features that Amazon sellers are going to love and are helpful for boosting their sales.

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Which One Offers Better Customer Support & Resources?

Any online tool that provides good resources and customer support ought to gain popularity and sales. And its the same here with AmazOwl and Jungle Scout. Let's have a look how is their customer support.

AmazeOwL Customer Support & Resources

AmazeOwl offers decent customer support, and they offer customer support only with paid plans. Plus, there is a separate AmazeOwl academy which is paid. This academy is best for beginners, where they can learn various aspects related to Amazon selling and also the tool. Also, the resources section is dedicated to Amazon sellers only.

Jungle Scout Customer Support & Resources

Jungle Scout Customer Support & Resources

Jungle Scout offers excellent 24/7 round-the-clock customer support, which is loved by its users. Plus, you will also find that there are built-in training modules and a vast library of free educational content. Plus, it has a top-tier customer support team that is run by top Amazon experts who are always available to answer your queries. Plus, you also get step-by-step guides on using its specific set of tools. 

You can also find several free tools offered by Jungle Scout – Profit Calculator and Sales Estimator. Jungle Scout Users are also provided with a massive library of training materials from which they can learn how to use Jungle Scout efficiently.

Winner: Outright winner in this aspect is Jungle Scout! It offers in-depth customer support along with valuable resources. And not to forget the Free tools.

Main Similarities Between AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Pros & Cons

AmazeOwl Pros & Cons

Jungle Scout Pros & Cons

AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout: Real Customer Reviews & Testimonials

AmazeOwl Real Customer Reviews & Testimonials

AmazeOwl Real Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Jungle Scout Real Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Jungle Scout Real Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Top FAQs on AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout

❓What is AmazeOwl?

AmazeOwl is an Amazon product research tool. It offers a vast product database of over 600 million products. Use AmazeOwl to discover winning products on Amazon.

❓What is Jungle Scout?

Jungle Scout is the leading tool for selling on Amazon. This Amazon research tool helps you to find keywords, discover profitable products, estimate sales, etc.

❓Is AmazeOwl free?

Yes, AmazeOwl offers Starter Plan to all it customer which is free for forever. If you are new to the Amazon business, this plan is an excellent way to start your business, including all product research features.

❓Does Jungle Scout offer a free trial?

No, Jungle Scout does not provide a free trial. But on all the standard plans of Jungle Scout, you will get a 7-day money-back guarantee in which you can easily decide whether this is the right tool for you or not.

❓Is it possible to cancel Jungle Scout at any time?

During the 14-day money-back guarantee, you can cancel Jungle Scout at any time. If you are unsatisfied with the product, you can revert back it for a full refund within that timeframe.

❓Is AmazeOwl accurate?

AmazeOwl has a massive product database of over 600 million items. This data is 100% reliable for keyword and product research only.

❓Is Jungle Scout accurate?

Jungle Scout is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers to get accurate data on product demand, keywords, ranking, and estimated sales. Unlike most other Amazon tools, Jungle Scout lets you search for profitable products in nearly any category with no limitations. It provides insights into what’s already selling on Amazon. Save time and money by using the Jungle Scout tool for researching profitable products to sell on Amazon.

❓What is the significant difference between Jungle Scout and Extension?

Jungle Scout is an industry-leading web-based tool. It offers various features like product databases, opportunity finder, keywords, listings, and suppliers that help you take your Amazon business to the next level. On the other hand, Extension is the Chrome browser extension that directly offers product data. The only primary difference between Jungle Scout & its Extension is that from where you access them.

Conclusion: AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout 2024

AmazeOwl and Jungle Scout are two of the top services helping Amazon sellers get started and grow their business. And we are here with our final pick among the two!

Honestly, if you are looking for a product research tool and are also on a tight budget, we recommend you to go with AmazeOwl. On the contrary, if you are looking for a robust and want one-stop suite of tools, we recommend you blindly go ahead with Jungle Scout, as it has all the features for Amazon sellers by which you can boost your revenue.

We hope you enjoyed our post on Amazon seller tools. We want to make it easy for you to find the right tool for your business, so we put together this AmazeOwl Vs. Jungle Scout comparison. We hope you find it helpful!

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