So we came across this Beekeeting application. After researching it from tip to toe, we decided that this all-in-one marketing platform is worth an in-depth review.

Hence, today we will discuss all an exclusive ✅Beeketing Review.

But, did you heard about this platform before? Or not? Well, it does not matter if you have or haven't heard about this platform before, but till the end, you are finished reading this post. We bet you will have all the information about it.

So, let us not take any more time and get started on our Beeketing review!

But first, you all should know about the basics of Beeketing review. So, let us shall hop onto that first.

Detailed Beeketing Review


Beeketing is a comprehensive e-commerce marketing platform designed to help online store owners sell more productively.

That is a sound solution that fits a suite of intelligent marketing apps built to increase conversion rates. The application enables e-commerce entrepreneurs to track their customers' behavior, analyze customers' interests, and examine sales history to churn out revenue from visitors.

Beeketing presents unique tools that drive visitors down the conversion funnel, turning them into loyal customers. The solution relies on strong e-commerce knowledge and artificial intelligence (AI) to help online stores forge lasting relationships with their customers.

Similarly, it also studies sales history and determines products and categories that are often matched together. Then from acquired data, it runs sale campaigns automatically for online sellers.

Beeketing Review

It does this by sending emails, reminders, notifications, popups with several other means on the seller's behalf when it noticed a visitor's interest in a particular product but not buying.

Additionally, Beeketing integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms that include:

These are used to streamline e-commerce operations.

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Extensive Features of Beeketing | Beeketing Review

Beeketing has many features and applications, which makes it one of the best e-commerce platforms out there.

Those features include:

🏅 Sales Pop-up

Sales popup

If you are an internet marketer, you can understand that earning your customer's trust and loyalty is a real achievement for all of us.

If a customer visits your profile, you need to make sure that he feels secured and familiar with the theme.

Sales popups are a great way to achieve that familiar sense of a customer. What happens in sales pop is that when a customer visits your profile, he will see mortal purchases at the bottom or top of the screen where it is shown that this person bought this product a few seconds ago.

This technique is great for achieving your lead's trust and can easily be converted into sales after that.

Features of the Sales Popups

  • Display Notification of your recent sales 

When your customers notice that other people are buying in your store, it creates a positive urge and motivates them to buy.

  • Customizable 

You can freely customize the application to suit the theme of your business. It builds a positive buying environment and customer experience.

⏳ Countdown Cart

Beeketing count down cart

A countdown cart is beneficial to make urgency and demand of a specif product in the customer's eyes.

In this thing, playing a little with psychology helps you a lot.

This tactic makes a customer feel that they are losing a product, and they should grab it before it goes out of stock.

If a customer were earlier thinking of delaying the specific product's purchase, he would not feel the same after the countdown timer.

Features of the Countdown Timer

Beeketing count down cart
  • Social Proof 

This particular thing highlights the popularity of your products, thereby creating positive influence and trust that motivates customers to buy your products

  • Stock countdown 

One can display the number of products left to increase the perceived value of the products. That will invariably make your customer want more because they think the product is running out.

  • Countdown Timer 

The quickest way to convert leads into sales is to use the Countdown Timer.

💥 Facebook Chat

Beeketing Facebook chat

The best way to keep your customer safe and secure is to keep the customer care service live.

Facebook chat is a great way to achieve that. If your customer feels hesitant and wants to clear his doubts, you can remove their hesitation via Facebook chat.

Around 70% of the customers are continually active on Facebook, making this technique a great hit.

Thus, using this could help a lot in the conversion of your sales.

Features of the Facebook Chat

Beeketing Facebook chat
  • Chat with Customers as Facebook friends

With live chat, customers will not need to create a ticket for support since they can quickly chat with their Facebook account.

  • Gets you Closer to your Customer and Engage them in More Sales 

Speaking with your customers via Facebook messenger clears any form of doubt, thereby increasing trust from your customer & leading to conversion on your store.

You can support customers anywhere and anytime, even on your mobile device.

📧 Welcome Email

Beeketing Welcome email

What possibly could be better than making your customer feel welcomed?

As soon as the customer ops for any service of your platform, they receive a welcome mail.

That is a great way to make people feel loved, which further helps make your sales higher.

Happy Email by Beeketing app specializes in this category. They assist you by sending a thank you message to your customer after every purchase.

Features of the Welcome Email

Beeketing Welcome email
  • There is no need to fear about what to write to your customers. The happy email has several templates for your rescue.
  • You can start by automating a thank you email from the store owner/founder to newly joined customers.
  • You can connect, build trust and at the same time make your customer happy.

🚀 Better Coupon Box

Better coupon box

You can always make customers happy with this better coupon box.

They let you give an additional discount to random customers on festivals or any other special occasion like their birthday.

You can maximize your profit while also growing your email subscriber list this way.

Not only that, but the emails gathered can be used to create a retargeted sales funnel later on.

Features of the Happy Coupon Box

Better coupon box
  • Convert Customers 

You can offer your customer discount codes to subscribe to your mailing list.

  • Exit-intent technology 

Instead of missing out on a sale when your customer exits, you can win more with intelligent exit-intent popups.

  • Easily Sync your Email list with MailChimp 

Now you can easily sync your email list with MailChimp so you can carry out professional email marketing campaigns for more sales in the nearest future.

  • Free trial available (No credit card required)

The rest of the Apps are free, & this could be a great advantage to your business.

  • Coupon Box theme 

That gives your store a classy look with coupon box themes.

Beeketing Pricing Plans

There are different pricing plans available according to th customer's preferences.

Beeketing Pricing

Check-out Boost

Price: $27/month

Free trial available (No credit card required)


Price: $29.00/month

Free trial available (No credit card required)

Boost Sales

Price: $30.00/month

Pros & Cons 

Now, let's check out the pros & cons of the Beeketing platform, which will help you with a quick overview.

🌟 Beeketing FAQ

✅ What is Beeketing?

Beeketing is a suite of smart marketing applications for online store owners of all sizes and types, focusing on increasing conversions, revenue, and customer engagement.

✅ What does Beeketing do?

Beeketing keeps track of customer activity and gives information on online purchases. It efficiently follows clients from the moment they land and guides them through the conversion funnel.

✅ Is Beeketing free?

The most excellent FREE app for showing real-time alerts of recent transactions – Social proof to increase sales and brand trust.

✅ What are Beeketing pricing plans?

Beeketing has the following pricing plans:
Starting from: $19.00.
Pricing model: Free, One Time License.
Free Trial: Available.

Conclusion: Beeketing Review 2024 | Should you buy this marketing automation tool?

Overall, the Beeketing app is helpful on so many levels!

Even if you are a newbie or a professional, it does not matter.

The features of this platform are perfectly aligned to each other, and anyone can start using it if they want to maximize their sales.

e-Commerce platforms are not always easy to deal with, but that strikes out for Beeketing.

You can use it with so many platforms and hence can achieve the desired sales you want.

The pricing plans are also affordable, which makes it more convenient for us to deal with Beeketing.

That is it. It is time to wrap up Beeketing review. We hope that this article will clear all your doubts. If you have any doubts, you can ask them up in the comments section below.

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