Want to track your advertising campaigns?

Looking for a platform to simplify online advertising?

A single platform to automatically track, manage and optimize all your ad campaigns?

Advertising, and digital marketing, in particular, have become highly competitive fields today.

Your marketing campaigns would go nowhere without an ad management platform as you will not be able to track and record what you did right if your campaign succeeds or understand what went wrong if it didn't. Digital marketers have a stringent advertising budgets which they can't afford to while away. 

Top 3 Online Adzooma Alternatives (Ranked)

What is AdZooma?

AdZooma is a popular platform that helps online marketers understand their digital campaigns better. It is an excellent platform, but many marketing teams find it unsuitable for their use case. You are presumably one of them, which is why you're reading this article. 

If you want to achieve and maintain a high conversion rate with the marketing activities, you need to join hands with an advertising platform.

The ideal advertising platform will ideally help you organize all the analytics of your ad campaign's performance, present the key metrics in an easy-to-understand manner, and help you optimize your campaign accordingly.

Keep this in mind while we compare some of the best all-in-one advertising platforms which can act as replacements for AdZooma.

✅5+ Best Adzooma Alternatives & Competitors

WASK Digital Ads Management

WASK's world is built on the world of digital marketing. If you want to be a professional, or if you are already a professional and want to manage your digital ads and advertising budget more controllably and efficiently, this may be a Digital Ad Management Platform designed for you. You can manage many of your digital ad accounts from a single screen and optimize them automatically without having to constantly check them. Let's take a look at the main useful features of this tool.

Top Features of WASK

WASK has recently released an updated new version and introduced some new features that will take advantage of the current metrics of the digital world. We have reviewed some of these features for you.

  • Campaign Optimization

The way to get more out of your ad campaigns with the same budget is through the Campaign Optimization tool. Dealing with Facebook and Google ad optimization and being able to purposefully optimize ongoing ad campaigns is a challenge. With this tool, WASK gives back the time when the process stole from advertisers. No matter what platform you're on, this tool gives you control over metrics and optimizes the campaign without any technical knowledge automatically.

  • Smart Audience

Smart Audience identifies and analyzes all visitors with high conversion potential and rate. It plays a big role in creating smart audiences to capture the conversion rate and traffic you expect. The new Smart Audience feature gives you the ability to create a user segment for your website. With Smart Audience, you can transfer your smart audiences to advertising platforms and get much more successful results from your campaigns.

  • Smart Analytics

One of the nice things about using Smart Analytics is that you can see a lot of data that you can understand by creating a funnel. This tool that you will integrate into your website will provide you; will tell you the paths users take and how often they perform their conversions. See the URL paths your customer went through and build your loyal customer portfolio. Also, analyze at what stage users who have not yet become your customers leave your website and start working to increase the time users spend on your website.

Can you get WASK for Free?

WASK offers some of its standout features, such as Smart Analytics, a 15-day free trial without asking for your credit card information.

WASK Pricing

WASK has 3 different packages: basic, premium, and professional. You can also purchase these packages with 3 different payment plans: monthly, 3-month, and yearly. You get 15% and 30% off on 3-month and annual plans. The pricing and package contents of these three packages are as follows:

WASK Pricing Plan

Basic Plan

You can get a basic package for $19 per month. You can link 2 ad accounts and this package includes features such as Smart Analytics, Smart Audience, Smart Advice, Reporting, and AI Copywriter. You pay $16 per month on the 3-month plan and $14 per month on the annual plan.

Premium Plan

You can get a premium package for $49 per month. This package, where you can connect up to 4 ad accounts, offers Smart Optimization for Google and Facebook ads in addition to the basic package. You pay $42 per month on the 3-month plan and $35 per month on the annual plan.

Professional Plan

You can get a professional package for $89 per month. You can link up to 10 ad accounts and all the features are included in this package, making it the ideal package for professional advertisers. You pay $75 per month on the 3-month plan and $62 per month on the annual plan.

Free Tools of WASK

Take the Free Keyword Research Tool, which WASK introduced in its updated new version. With this tool, you can examine the keywords related to both search volume and local-based popularity. You can report it by taking the printout and include it in your SEO studies. By researching competitor URLs, you can use your competitors' trafficked keywords for your strategies.

In short, WASK; With its new version, it is a software that aims to make digital advertising practical for both professionals and new advertisers. Moreover, it is possible to see that it does this at a very affordable price compared to its competitors.


One of the industry leaders in ad promotions, they have built a reputation for innovative promotional strategies. They have set procedures to help clients create an audience in the region, and vertical they desire. 

Right from their establishment in 2018, they have maintained a spot for themselves at the top. Their platform is primarily divided between two categories. Let us go over both of these in detail below:

Establishment Platform

The establishment platform primarily creates reach and visibility for your marketing campaigns and bolsters your conversion rate. Let us go over the features that they offer to get these results:

This is one example of how you can use the AI audiences feature. There are several other applications of the same feature which can help you generate reach and revenue

You can check out many other features that they offer on their official website. 

Insight Platform

The establishment platform is designed to help you grow. The Insights Platform complements the other by providing details on how all your efforts to maximize reach are working out. It enables this functionality by offering the following tools:

  • Strategic Dashboard:

This dashboard is designed to give you a complete insight into your ad performance in a single look. More than just a performance report, you can see several hidden metrics, optimization suggestions, and feedback.

Several marketing agencies make use of this dashboard to analyze their performance across campaigns effectively. 

  • Smart Performance Filtering:

These filters can be used as automatic optimization tools for your advertising campaign. Using these filters, the tool automatically decides the various ad preferences of target users you have to cover in your campaign.

The automation tool also allows you to find further the ad data to suit those preferences. One should be glad Madgicx has conversion tracking software because this feature instantly creates a significant boost in your number of conversions.

Can You Get Madgicx for Free?

A 7 day free trial with limited access to their range of features is available, risk-free.

Madgicx Pricing

It should be noted that there is no change in the number of features available in the various plans. They are only differentiated by the different durations.

Madgicx pricing

Monthly Plan: $49/month

This is the price for users who have an ad spend of up to $1000. The cost to access their full range of features monthly will increase as your ad spending does.

Quarterly Plan: $132/three months ($44/month)

In the same way as the monthly plan, the cost of the subscription increases as your ad spending increases. As the base price of the plan for users with $1000 ad spend is lower, the overall price for all users is significantly lower, particularly users with large ad spends.

If you go up to the maximum plan subscribing quarterly will save you over a thousand dollars.

Annual Plan: $468/year ($39/month)

As we mentioned earlier, similarly, with an even lower base price, if you subscribe annually, you can save over $2000, depending on your ad spending.

All of these accounts are single ad account only. To use their service on multiple advertising accounts, you will have to purchase different subscriptions.

Overall, the biggest reason Madgicx is at the top of this list is its relatively easy-to-use range of features that offer effective targeting of users and guaranteed conversions.

The catalog of features dedicated to ROI is very intuitive, and one can sit back and relax and let their various marketing automations work to get you the ROI you deserve.

No free version of this software is available, but users can access their comprehensive insights tool alongside their full range of features after paying a fair price. 


Qwaya is a dedicated Facebook Ad manager tool that is one of the most affordable tools on this list. They recently expanded to offer support to Instagram marketers by modifying their existing range of features to suit the Instagram ad space.

Let us take a brief look at some of the features: 

Key Features of Qwaya

The entire Qwaya platform is rather vast, so we have gone over some of the top features we particularly liked in our review period usage.

  • Ad rules, scheduler, and rotation:

These are the features that make Qwaya a marketing automation software. The ability to craft automation rules which can pause or expand your campaign depending on performance and schedule campaigns to be up at certain times as per your target audience can cut down on your ad spend and maximize the results you would get from your campaign.

Ad rotation allows you to take control of Facebook by deciding the auto rotation of ads and the ad variation before Facebook. These are everyday marketing automation operations, but they are offered at a much lower price here.

  • URL Builder and URL Tagging:

Having an in-house URL builder helps you manage your past work for reference and reuse very easily. They also offer automatic URL tagging so you can easily access your Google Analytics data.

  • Split Testing:

Available for both audiences and creatives. This feature is integrated into your campaign builder, so the split testing mechanism offers you suggestions as you design your campaign.

  • User Targeting with appropriate templates:

Use their readymade ad templates which are specially curated for you based on the users you're looking to target

Check the official Qwaya website for a complete list of all available features. 

Can You Get Qwaya for Free?

They offer a 14-day free trial without having to put in any credit card information.

Qwaya Pricing

Plans are divided by the number of users who can use the platform at a time, not by a range of features. All plans contain the entire Qwaya catalog.

Qwaya pricing

Premium: $149/month

One user seat with unlimited access to the tool.

Business: $249/month

Five user seats with access to their full functionality.

Agency: $349/month

Ten user seats with a complete Facebook Ad solution.

All of these plans come with an unlimited ad spending limit.

Overall aside from the affordability factor, there is nothing that stands out about Qwaya. The range of features, however ordinary they may be, combined with the ease of use factor, make it an exciting pick.

If you're looking for a marketing platform that will guide you through the ropes of the Facebook Ad world, then you should consider Qwaya.


AdEspresso has found its place on this list by being a reliable, affordable tool that can manage your Google Ads, your social media campaigns, and more while helping you design the ads for every platform as well.

Their toolkit is designed to create a marketing platform focused on making the most out of every penny in your advertising budget and every second you spend working on the project itself.

How does AdEspresso Help You Design the Perfect Advertising Campaign?

AdEspresso offers a complete marketing automation platform for multiple social media platforms and Google Ads as well. They have a set campaign creation flow which allows you to build the campaign from within the app itself. 

The ads you create using the creative flow can immediately be tested against hundreds of ads on the platform you created it for to instantly optimize it according to the top ads on the platform. 

Everyone knows performing the right experiments with your campaign is what creates staggering returns, and with this marketing platform, you get a list of such experiments in a single click.

You can pick and choose which suits you and your campaign needs, but all of them are guaranteed to help you generate at least a small but significant bump in your ROI.

Benefits of AdEspresso

  • Analyze your campaigns:

As AdEspresso is a product of Hootsuite, a massive ad manager platform in its own right, you get access to some of the best data analytics tools in the industry with AdEspresso. The vast available data is separated into just the critical performance metrics presented in easy-to-understand forms. ]

  • Easy Optimization process:

You can manually choose from the daily suggestions you get, which are curated explicitly for every ad to help you maximize your revenue from each ad.

Additionally, you can let their optimization rules tool automatically optimize your campaign according to your company policy and campaign aim. More engagement and sales are easily possible as they focus on every ad's detailed performance metrics to optimize it accordingly.

  • Automatic Page Post Promotion:

Manually boosting every post is one of the most tedious aspects of online marketing. This feature allows you to automatically promote campaigns by selecting posts for whom organic reach has to be boosted according to your requirements.

You can fully customize what you want to be promoted and for what duration, but after you set your requirements for that campaign, you are free to relax as AdEspresso will automatically keep following your guidelines to do your work for you.

They offer many other amazing features, such as PDF Reporting (where a PDF of your campaign's performance is sent to you on a weekly or monthly basis. The reports can contain custom metrics according to your preference). Check their official webpage for an exhaustive list of features. 

Can You Get AdEspresso for Free?

They offer a 14-day free trial on all plans after you sign-up and provide your credit card information.

AdEspresso Pricing Plans

AdEspresso pricing

AdEspresso Pricing Starter: $49/month (billed annually)

This plan comes with unlimited ad accounts but a $1000 ad spending limit. Essential features are available to manage Google Ads along with Facebook and Instagram campaigns. 

Plus: $99/month (billed annually)

Unlimited ad spending with up 15 user seats for your whole team. Multi-page bulk creation, customized performance triggers, white-label reports, collaboration tools, and many more premium features. 

Enterprise: $259/month (billed annually)

Everything in the Plus plan but unlimited seats for your team, full API access, and your personal Facebook and Google Ads marketing consultant. Exclusive training along with Salesforce contact sync is also provided.

AdEspresso is undoubtedly a good pick for many users as it offers a wide range of features at nearly the same price as the more affordable tools in the market.

Some of the features are a hit and a miss, so the product can't be recommended to very advanced users, but for basic users who just want to make more money and save some time, AdEspresso is a good choice.


Smartly.io is a platform built on combining the principles of media buying and creative automation to optimize your workflow and increase ROA.

They work exclusively on scaling campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Let us go over how Smartly.io helps you “unlock greater performance and creativity” as they claim:

They have a “services” approach to helping you bolster your campaign. This means that they offer your professionals and experts with knowledge of your niche to directly take a look at your campaign and optimize it accordingly. These management services primarily include two major offerings:

  • Managed Services: Using best-in-class tools and renowned industry methods, their team of marketing experts helps you move up the ranks of social advertising. Essentially these experts are an extended part of your team who combine their knowledge of platforms to support your core team in reaching their business goals.
  • Creative Services: If your campaigns are centered around social-first storytelling, you will significantly benefit from collaborating with Smartly.io. Their creative services team combines the creative aspect of things with solid data-driven research to create the perfect compelling narrative which will get you engagement. 

Key Features of Smartly.io

Smartly.io offers these sets of tools across three categories, so to understand their range of features, we will be going through these three categories, in brief:

  • Creative Tools:

They have a range of vibrant templates which can help anyone create personalized brand-powered ads according to their personal needs. Their template library involves both video and image ad solutions.

This library can be automated to create ads according to your feed or catalog. All ads, manually created and automated, can be tested creatively and reviewed by the aforementioned creative team to help you stand out.

  • Media Tools:

These tools are centered around providing centralized campaign management across all the four platforms that they offer services on. They have created several automated workflows that allow you to drop all the manual tasks you find tedious.

Instantly publish and update ads on any platform while using real-time targeting data alongside keeping track of budgets, bidding, etc., to help you get maximum conversions on minimal spending.

  • Data Tools:

Track all your analytics from a single dashboard to effectively understand all your data. Your data is automatically sorted into actionable insights and a list of data-driven decisions for you to make.

Smartly.io's integration with third-party data integrators and custom-defined KPIs help you make the right decisions with your data in line with your campaign strategy to get you the results you desire.

Smartly.io Pricing Plans

Before we get to the plans and their features users, need to understand how you will be charged for these services. Both plans will be priced at a percentage of your total media and ad spending.

This requires you to connect your ad account with Smartly.io when you sign-up. The percentage will be decided after you link your ad account, and Smartly.io chooses the level of services they think you need.


Self-Serve + Support:

Full access to the platform with a personal CSM. Your existing team is trained in using Smartly.io to its full functionality with 24×7 customer support for any queries.

Managed Service:

Their team of experts handles your social execution needs. This includes planning out campaigns, coming up with strategies, and even training your existing team to align with the strategy the experts come up with.

Custom solutions and integrations are available for users who want them. If you wish to get in-house paid social advertising work done, their team will train any of your employees in that as well. 24×5 customer support available.  

Smartly.io is ideal for beginners in social media marketing on the platforms that they serve users. The pricing is rather steep, so it would be costly for beginners to benefit from their service.

Suppose you want to learn how to scale campaigns on social media and effectively use technology to your benefit and can afford to pay a percentage of your total budget to the service. In that case, Smartly.io is a beautiful trainer.

Scalify Review

One of the most popular tools in the Facebook Ad Optimization game, Scalify, works with you at every stage of your ad campaign to help you make your campaign more efficient as you are in the process of creating it.

Their range of features is also divided into the stages that they would help the user; let's go over these features and stages in some detail below:

How Can I Revamp My Facebook Ad Campaign using Scalify? 

The creation of every Scalify ad campaign is divided into four stages. Their range of features is spread across these four stages, so let us go over them one by one;

#1. Launch

In the first stage of the Scalify workflow, here, you can create and launch personalized ads with bare minimum effort. We describe how this is possible in the following list.

  • Scalify's developers access the Facebook API to find high-quality high converting audiences tailored to your product and campaign. 
  • The templates they offer to create your ad are also curated to appeal to that high-quality audience directly.
  • If you don't want a curated audience, you can build laser-targeted audiences yourself using their audience builder. Input data on your target set of users, and they will assemble an audience who are perfect for your campaign.
  • Social Proof: Show a lot of engagement (likes, comments of an AI) on your campaign to convert cold audiences into buying into your campaign.
#2. Analytics

After you're done launching your campaign, you will want to track its performance effectively. They offer an all-in-one dashboard with data integrated from three sources into a single webpage.

Compare different KPIs and get custom product and landing page reports if you want. The range of analytics on offer is vast to the point that you can track every conversion you get to its core.

#3. Automate

Their automation features are centered around helping you get more conversions, avoid any financial drain and scale new heights with Scalify.

Some of their widespread automation include the Dynamic Automation Builder, which allows you to automate any function to your particular need, and Performance-Based Scaling, which automatically copies winning ads to boost visibility and revenue.

This helps in increasing ad spending on high-performing ads and vice versa to manage money effectively. Their “automation work schedule” is a feature where you can essentially automate an entire workflow.

#4. Scaling

Their algorithm has been developed to help you build solid ROAs with every campaign. They achieve this by using bulk lookalike audiences and renowned scaling strategies.

You can set your scaling on autopilot, which will use pre-recorded techniques to schedule and run winning ads whose performance is guaranteed.

The most impressive feature in this stage is the ability to generate up to 200 custom and lookalike audience variations instantly to convert slow audiences and find winning customers.

Also read: Scalify Review: #1 Ads Automation Software (Why 9 Stars)

Scalify Pricing Plans

They offer a single plan with the full functionality of Scalify. Their smallest plan is $39/month with an ad spend limit of $5000. This cost will increase as your ad spend increases.

Scalify Review

If you subscribe annually, your per month cost comes down significantly, mainly if your ad spend is higher. If you subscribe annually, the minimum monthly cost with the same $5000 ad spend limit is $29/month.

A special limited-time offer is available now where you can get a lifetime deal on Scalify now, starting at just $59.

Scalify is an excellent tool that provides a lot of functionality for both basic and advanced users. It is competitively priced and can work across many platforms. The lack of Google Ads presence, no solid customer support system, and no shareable client reports are holding back the platform from reaching the heights it can.

🌟 Adzooma Alternatives FAQ

🙄What is Adzooma?

Adzooma's Google and Facebook Ads platform, powered by AI and machine learning, provides simple campaign management, 24/7 optimization, and time-saving automation.

🙄 What is Madgicx?

Madgicx is the best secret weapon used by thousands of data-driven advertisers who would rather not waste time manually optimizing their ads.

🔎 Does Madgicx work?

Madgicx is extremely helpful in rapidly launching new AI-based audiences and setting up automation tactics like Stop Loss and Revive for pausing and resuming adsets that do not meet specific criteria. It also has excellent metrics and dashboards.

🙄 Is Adzooma free?

The Adzooma platform is now available to everyone for free. No credit card information is required. For stress-free marketing automation, our automated PPC management and optimization platform include AI and machine learning.

🙄 Is Qwaya good?

Qwaya, as a company that manages a lot of social media advertising campaigns for clients, aided in streamlining the campaign management process. It made it easier to A/B test different advertisements and see results faster. The app's visualizations were the most exciting features.

🧐 How good is AdEspresso?

The best feature of AdEspresso is that it allows you to create ads from multiple platforms all in one place. The creation of ads with this tool is simple, and it is relatively easy to become familiar with each function it provides.

Conclusion: 5+ Best Adzooma Alternatives & Competitors

All of the tools listed here are some of the best tools in the market today. Choosing between them is indeed a challenging task.

Ensure that you keep in mind your specific needs from your ad management platform and select the one that best suits your required profile. Regarding overall value and functionality, Madgicx is unmatched as it is a complete marketing solution.

If you're looking for a slightly cheaper tool or suppose you want a tool focused on only some specific platforms, you can choose from the other available tools in the list. 

Don't hold back your product because you didn't choose the right software for your product, go through the list again and make the right choice to open the door to soaring revenues and glowing sales reports.🚀🚀

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