Worried about your book's sales?

Want your book to be a Kindle Best seller?

Scared how you will be able to sell your book with no marketing experience?

Our online marketplaces are structured so that even after writing a masterpiece, you, the writer, have only completed half your job. Getting your book to the readers, you wrote it for is a different challenge that you're not prepared to face.

Publisher Rocket is a platform every independent author should join if they want to monetize the hard work they put in while writing their books. Read our exclusive ✅Publisher Rocket Review, where you will get detailed information about this book publishing software.

Like every other product online, your book is also a product. There are keywords you have to use, particular ways in which you have to create product listings, study the relevant categories, and everything else which you have to do even before you make a single sale.

Lack of a platform that can effectively help the self-published authors led to the creation of the platform started as KDP Rocket which is now reputed as Publisher Rocket. 

The average self-published book goes nowhere on Amazon as there are millions of books on Amazon in all possible book categories. Publisher Rocket helps you stand out from the crowd and get you the readers and revenue you deserve. See how they can do that in our detailed Publisher Rocket Review.

Publisher Rocket: An Overview

Publisher rocket Review

Publisher Rocket is at its core an Amazon KDP platform that helps authors become best selling authors. The primary value joining this platform gives you is the time saved across the marketing and publishing process.

Extensive market research data points are already compiled for you, and multiple calculations are already done for you, like the profitability of specific niches, etc.

The main factors around creating a successful book are knowing which books are not working, what are the ones which are most searched for, and the profitability of specific niches and Publisher Rocket's range of features is centered around all three of these factors.

It is, in essence, not a keyword research tool but more of a complete marketing and publishing solution to help you become a best selling author.

Publisher rocket

One of the primary ways Publisher Rocket helps you is by letting you know if your book has an audience or the genre you're looking to enter is already saturated. This is way before you get to keywords or product listings.

This is why we chose to describe it as a complete publishing solution rather than a product or keyword research tool because from the start of you getting a book idea to its release; Publisher Rocket helps you every step of the way. Let's get to know this amazing tool in some more detail:

How does Publisher Rocket Optimize Your Journey as an Author?

Recently Parker Huntington endorsed Publisher Rocket as the cause behind his reaching #6 on the Kindle Store.

How did an author who struggled to reach the top 1000s become a USA Today Best selling Author? By using the range of services and features offered by Publisher Rocket as given below: 

Suppose you understand whether a particular category is worth competing in or too saturated. In that case, you can often save yourself the trouble of writing a book that you won't be able to market effectively.

You can also analyze your competition quickly by other factors such as their total sales and the kind of books in that niche that perform the best. If you check the competitive analyzer feature in the Publisher Rocket interface, you can get a direct look into all of these aspects of understanding your market. 

The two main ways to make money by writing are finding a niche where you do not have to compete excessively with others or finding a place where readers are very active to consume a lot of similar literature.

Publisher Rocket helps you benefit from either way, whichever seems more appealing to you. 

The best product marketed in the wrong category goes nowhere. Similarly, if you publish your book with the right keywords and a perfect book description but in the wrong category, unfortunately, the book will not reach the hands of the readers who you thought of while writing it.

As the broad product categories are too intensely competitive to enter, finding a nice active subcategory is the real purpose of their category feature. 

If you have to find the right category manually, you have to go through all the categories' books, compile and compare their sales numbers. Even after you complete this whole process, there is a good chance you will end up with inaccurate data because there is data that can't be accessed without backend support in many niches. 

With Publisher Rocket all, you have to do to get the accurate data which would take hours to compile, is go to the category search option and search for it. You will see a list of categories around the book description you searched for. This list of categories includes all possible categories you can rank in. 

You can also see the top-ranking books in these categories and analyze them by the category they sought to push themselves in, what their listings are like, and their sales numbers. This helps you join the first 20 (the top 20 results are the ones that rank on the first page when anyone searches for a product on Amazon)

With well-researched exact book ideas, some authors earn at least $100 every day from each book on Amazon Kindle. This is what we feel is the most helpful feature in the Publisher Rocket Experience. 

You have to input the idea in their search box, and you will get a list of the ideal keyword(s) and other relevant search data on the idea. All of the search volumes on all relevant keywords of your idea can be seen easily. The search volume data also contains the number of competing books on the keyword and each keyword's average profitability among users. 

This data also helps you create compelling content for your book's advertising campaign because you can see how your target readers are reacting to different similar book titles, descriptions, etc.

Your title should ideally convey your book's theme and content very clearly to your audience. The description should be written using the appropriate keywords suggested around your book idea to ensure your book ends up in all relevant search categories

Is Publisher Rocket a Worthy Investment?

Given the relatively steep pricing, many of you who are reading this article would be thinking if the product is worth it or not.

At the same time, we agree that the pricing is not the cheapest, but there are two factors to consider here. We bring you some excellent Publisher Rocket Coupons along with our Publisher Rocket review to help you access this brilliant tool at a low price.

And whatever price you end up getting this tool at, it will ensure that all the hard work you put in as a writer always gets returned to you in the form of your readers appreciating your work and, of course, revenue. 

Being any kind of writer in today's world is a very competitive task to take up. That is why technology has been developed to help writers get ahead and make a name for themselves.

Copywriters have AI writers to write copy, content marketers have AI content generators, and finally, there is some technology to help authors get their due. Publisher Rocket is not a purchase. It is an investment and a very worthy one at that. 

Can I Find Out What My Target Set of Users are Searching for on Amazon?

Yes, this is indeed possible with Publisher Rocket. You can directly see different sets of readers and their searches with vast insights into the keywords those sets are searching for. 

This includes:

Who are the Famous Authors Who use Publisher Rocket?

How Can You Beat Your Completion using Publisher Rocket?

Publisher Rocket offers a dedicated feature called Competition Analyzer. Using this tool, you can get some profound data insights into your competitors and understand essential data points about your niche.

Isolate top-selling categories fast

Publisher Rocket notes the book categories that see the highest amount of sales every day and the frequency of particular books' sales.

This helps them tell their users which are the most profitable niches, the number of sales you need to reach top author levels, and winning categories with guaranteed sales.

You can also determine the number of sales you need to make every day to get to the top 20 in search categories and rank on Amazon search for your book-related searches.

Learn about sales numbers for any other

The database on offer here is very vast. You can directly see any competing authors' sales numbers and even directly see their revenue. The data on fellow authors' sales is coupled with the attractive titles, subtitles, and descriptions used to get that number of sales. 

Discover AMS Keywords instantly

Using Publisher Rocket's database, you can find the top 150 profitable keywords for your AMS campaign in under 10 seconds.

You can even directly download and export this list of keywords and upload it to AMS directly. All listed information of suggested keywords, titles, categories are also stored for your perusal and usage. 

Can You Get Publisher Rocket for Free?

There is no free trial on offer here, but users should note that they can try the software risk-free as the lifetime deal comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can rest assured that you do not have a good experience with the tool you will get your money back.

publisher rocket

You can use the money-back guarantee period as a free trial (after paying the total price). We encourage you to contact their highly supportive customer support team in these 30 days so you can get your queries sorted and make an informed choice at the end of it.

Who are the Users Who can Benefit from Publisher Rocket?

Writers who want to build revenue with their writing are the target set of users for this software. Many writers do not understand the market trends, readers' expectations, or how to make their books appealing to customers in the short space that they get on the Kindle online space.

Because the target set is writers who presumably have no technical or marketing experience, the tool has been designed to be very user-friendly and easy to use.

Any writer can gain a deep understanding of marketing and its many aspects (such as finding and using the right keywords, etc.) and significantly better their chances of generating sales for their book using this tool.

Publisher Rocket currently offers analytics on the online marketplaces of the US, UK, and Germany. These analytics can be accessed on a Mac or a Windows PC but not on any mobile device or a Chromebook. Linux users can access it through Wine.

Any expansions into more regions or devices will be covered under your lifetime subscription itself at no additional cost to you. If you're notified of such an update, just check the website and update your tool accordingly. 

Publisher Rocket Pricing

Publisher Rocket offers a direct lifetime deal. This is a complete one-time subscription without any extra hidden charges of any kind.

publisher rocket

The price for the one-time payment lifetime deal is $97. This means with one payment of $97, you can use this software for your entire journey as an author.

This also includes any training cost, as all the tutorials are packaged into the lifetime cost. 

🌟 Publisher Rocket FAQ

✅What is Publisher Rocket?

Publisher Rocket is a great tool that lets you create advertisements and upload books. It increases your book's visibility and helps get it in front of more of Amazon's customers.

✅Does Publisher Rocket fix your book titles & Amazon listing?

It only gives a thorough statistical report on keyword competitiveness, search habits, & sales projections.

✅What is the cost of publisher Rocket?

Publisher Rocket is a great tool for anyone who wants to publish their work online. The software is $97 for one user, but it also includes a 30-day free trial, so you can see how it works for you!

✅Does Publisher Rocket guarantee sales?

By following a few simple steps, you can increase your chances of publishing a book that generates income.

✅Is there a free version of Publisher Rocket?

Yes, there is a 30-day free trial with limited features access. You can try it Free for 30 days to see if it's the perfect fit for your needs!

Conclusion: Publisher Rocket Review 2024 | Should you really go for it?

About a hundred years ago, someone who wanted to be an author would write a book. That book would be forwarded to publishing houses. If the publishing house liked it, they would print it and sell it forward to bookstores. The bookstores would further sell the book finally to the readers.

This was a reasonably straightforward process, but the issue was that it was a challenging task to become an author. Many variables are involved, and a lot depends on probability and chance. Many people who dreamed of being authors never really got around to it because of the challenges of being an author. That is not the case today. Today anyone can be an author.

You can be working full time at a corporate or you could be a housewife, or you could be a college student, but if you have a good idea for a book and you execute it well, there is nothing that can stop you from being an author.

Amazon's Kindle platform has made it possible for anyone to become an author. But because anyone can be an author today, it has caused an upward spiral in the number of people who are on Amazon trying to sell their books.

Amazon has given you the platform to be an author now join Publisher Rocket to get the platform to upgrade yourself to best selling author.

To paraphrase the words of one of the famous authors who use Publishing Rocket Jeff Goins, “there is a difference between writing a best seller and launching a best seller,” and this tool is what can help you bridge that difference. 🙂

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